Rating Plug-Ins

Hi all!

Unfortunately, I'm not a 'person of few words', but I'll try to make this as brief as a gabby old Irish broad can ....

I'm new to the board and very new to the world of plug-ins. My first attempt at trying one was DiD and I enjoyed it so much I went out and did Sapphire (short, sweet and very satisfying).

While downloading Sapphire, I noticed a link ... "rate it". So I went back and rated DiD. After reading all the chatter here about DiD, I was very much surprised to find that only 6 folks had rated the game prior to my rating. Whassup wit dat?

Again, I know zilch about plug-ins (other than that I'm enjoying them), but I figure an awful lot of time, effort, hard work and creativity hafta go into making them. Seems to me the least we can do in return is to show our appreciation (or displeasure) by taking a minute to vote on them.

I just sorta feel that credit should be given where credit is deserved. Otherwise, those who work their backsides off bringing us these goodies might not bother any more. And that would leave do-dos like me out in the cold with no more games to play. :frown:

Sure hope I haven't offended anyone, cuz this is only my third post .... and I really like it here! 🙂

Hugs on yuz,



Originally posted by yeoldbat:
**Seems to me the least we can do in return is to show our appreciation (or displeasure) by taking a minute to vote on them.

You are absolutely right! I just went over and rated all the plugs that I use. I guess we sometimes need a reminder to do the little things that mean so much to others. Big things are so much easier to remember.

I never realized how few people rate these plugs. When I see a rating of 50% I usually don't bother with it because it shows that nobody liked it. Now it's apparent that it could be an excellent plug and only two people voted for it, one excellent and one lousy. Gotta love the Irish for showing us the way. Thanks for your post.
And welcome to the boards.

Silver Eagle

BIBLE: Basic Information Before Leaving Earth

(This message has been edited by Silver Eagle (edited 10-23-2003).)


Originally posted by Silver Eagle:
**You are absolutely right! I just went over and rated all the plugs that I use. I guess we sometimes need a reminder to do the little things that mean so much to others. Big things are so much easier to remember.

I never realized how few people rate these plugs. When I see a rating of 50% I usually don't bother with it because it shows that nobody liked it. Now it's apparent that it could be an excellent plug and only two people voted for it, one excellent and one lousy. Gotta love the Irish for showing us the way. Thanks for your post.
And welcome to the boards.

Silver Eagle


Whew! Thank you! That's a relief. I was hopin' I hadn't overstepped any boundaries or ruffled any feathers.

I really just wanted to find a way to thank the folks who have opened up a whole new world to me.

Finishing a game was always satisfying .... yet disappointing cuz, well, it was finished. Discovering plug-ins means it ain't really over. 😄

I'm just tryin' to show my appreciation as best I know how.

Hugs on yuz!


My rule of thumb is: If you like it, give it a five (highest). If it corrupts the saved game/doesn't work/doesn't do what it should do, then give it a one (lowest). If it's in between, send an e-mail to the developer and hope for a new version.

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A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!