Some shďp questions...

Stats and resources

I am aware that Triphammers do wonders for the stats of a Thunderforge. In the resources, though, are these changes already accounted for? I would assume not.

My primary concern is with Starbridges. Aside from total Free Mass, are the values in the resources of each of the 24 variants free from modification by included outfits? I am performing a brief analysis of the varieties of Starbridges to see how much they vary from type to type. My biggest difficulties are:

*calculating the real Free Mass (which I will do on my own, thanks)
*rarities and impossibilities of included outfits (going over limits)
*relative boosts of adding upgrades after purchasing.

For the last point, I really need to know which upgrades could be legally put on a Starbridge and do not upgrade by a constant value but a percentage of original.

Thanks in advance for answers to my questions.

purple1, on May 9 2005, 08:24 PM, said:

I am aware that Triphammers do wonders for the stats of a Thunderforge. In the resources, though, are these changes already accounted for? I would assume not.

My primary concern is with Starbridges. Aside from total Free Mass, are the values in the resources of each of the 24 variants free from modification by included outfits? I am performing a brief analysis of the varieties of Starbridges to see how much they vary from type to type. My biggest difficulties are:

*calculating the real Free Mass (which I will do on my own, thanks)
*rarities and impossibilities of included outfits (going over limits)
*relative boosts of adding upgrades after purchasing.

For the last point, I really need to know which upgrades could be legally put on a Starbridge and do not upgrade by a constant value but a percentage of original.

Thanks in advance for answers to my questions.View Post

To answer your questions:

  1. The values in the shďp resource do not include any modifications by outfits (also note that AI ships never include modifications by outfits).
  2. As far as I know (which is fairly far), only the "marine platoon" and add free mass types even can add a percentage of a stat. No outfit in the game adds a percentage.

And as a tip for free mass calculation, I would recommend either triple-checking your calculations, or setting up a spreadsheet to do it automatically. When I recently made a spreadsheet that automatically calculated a large number of statistics about every ship and varient in the game (not released to the public), I found quite a few errors in my earlier done-by-hand Max Free Masses.


Thank you sir!

I tried to use the NovaReference Plus, but I found that trying to copy-and-paste the fields near each other is not that simple (because of the referencing and formulae) so I gave up on it. I'm not a fan of Excel, either. Instead, I compliled a new plug-in containing only the shďp data so that I could easily record the important stuff. Now all I need is a simple list of item masses, and I'll be good to go. Shouldn't be too hard.