We're sending you BACK TO THE FUTURE!

OK. Here's a thought. I read in one of these posts that someone found a date string with all the dates listed sequentially. Now my technical knowledge of plug development is limited, but try this theory:

Assuming that the Nova engine accesses this date string to advance the date when you jump, you could theoretically create a second string, rearranging the dates in reverse order to make the dates go backward as you jump.

By finding some way to access either string at will (perhaps a misn resource?), you could move "forward" or "backward" in time x number of days.

A plug this technical is WAY above my current ability, and may not be possible. Some of you out there would know better than I, but if someone can take this idea and run with it, I'd be interested in seeing the final result.

Flyboy, on May 5 2005, 11:08 AM, said:

OK. Here's a thought. I read in one of these posts that someone found a date string with all the dates listed sequentially. Now my technical knowledge of plug development is limited, but try this theory:

Assuming that the Nova engine accesses this date string to advance the date when you jump, you could theoretically create a second string, rearranging the dates in reverse order to make the dates go backward as you jump.

By finding some way to access either string at will (perhaps a misn resource?), you could move "forward" or "backward" in time x number of days.View Post

Yes, there is a resource that lists dates (STR# 137, in the Nova program- yes, those rsources can be replaced by plugs too), but it only lists the month names and strings to tack onto the end of numbers (the "st" in March 1st, etc.). The actual numbers to display (1, 2, 3, etc.) are not stored anywhere. The game just uses the date variables that I mentioned here. And even if it did work, you can't swap between to STR#s without quitting the game and changing plugs. Sorry. 😞 Keep thinking like that, though. It's a good habit to get into, especially once you're experienced enough to test things yourself, and get a result immediately.

Well, because the ship's wheels would fold in when hypering and I want the flashy time travelling effect to occur when hypering, I'm just gonna leave it that way. The wheels will always be in folded flight position. My goal is to have the car be about the same length as a Starbridge or Valkyrie. Now I need someone who has 3DS Studio MAX to make the images from the .3ds file that I have.