.hqx .sit .bin for windows XP

Help me expand these formats please

What/Why can I not get .hqx and .sit plug-ins work?
the .hqx expands to a .sit and sit expands to a folder.
The plug-in inside that folder is "# file, 0 KB"
That just makes no sense.
Please Help there are many add-in that I am having this problem.
I have tried IZARC and the "mac to windows" conveter for plug-ins from ambrosia.
I am having a bad day. I really like the pulg-in you have all put a lot of time into.
I simply cannot play them.

Are these Nova plug-ins? For a windows user to be able to use a plug it must extract to a .bin file which you can then run through the convertor. Check the settings of stuffit expander and make sure it's not trying to expand the bin file (there may be a check box somewhere that says "Continue to expand if possible" - make sure this is unchecked). If there's no .bin file in there then the person who uploaded it didn't follow the proper instructions and I'm afraid you can't use it.

This post has been edited by Guy : 03 May 2005 - 02:23 AM

WELCOME TO THE BOARDS. I have no clue as if I want a plug I make it myself.

Guy, on May 3 2005, 12:21 AM, said:

Are these Nova plug-ins? For a windows user to be able to use a plug it must extract to a .bin file which you can then run through the convertor. Check the settings of stuffit expander and make sure it's not trying to expand the bin file (there may be a check box somewhere that says "Continue to expand if possible" - make sure this is unchecked). If there's no .bin file in there then the person who uploaded it didn't follow the proper instructions and I'm afraid you can't use it.
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Thanks I'll check latter today.
I really appreciate your help!
another side note what tools are there for Windows to make plug-ins??
Are there any?

This post has been edited by geekbsd : 03 May 2005 - 10:01 AM

geekbsd, on May 3 2005, 07:59 AM, said:

Thanks I'll check latter today.
I really appreciate your help!
another side note what tools are there for Windows to make plug-ins??
Are there any?
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From Belthazar, guru of Mac to Windows plug conversion:

Belthazar said:

Stuffit 9.0 has a handy context menu Expand Mac Archives option which past versions of Stuffit do not, but it has a bug by which it doesn't expand .hqx files properly. This means you'll need to extract the .hqx part of the archive the normal way (by double clicking). That should produce a .sit file. Right-click on the .sit file, and select Stuffit Archive > Expand Mac Archive > MacBinary Fork Encoding.

For this particular plugin, this will give you a folder containing a .rtf readme, a .bin plugin file, and a file called DS_Store. Delete the DS_Store file, read the readme, and drag and drop the .bin file onto the plugin convertor, which can be found in your Nova folder. This will produce a .rez file and a file named reource.map. Delete the resource.map file, and place the plugin .rez file into your Nova Plugins folder. Start Nova.

And for Windows plug development, the best, worst and only program is EVNEW.

Thank a lot guys You have saved me many late nights.
EVNEW "works" good.
You may see a plugin from me in a year or so..
soon has i figure what all this stuff is :blink:
As for stufit 9.0 I have having truble getting a free/trial version of that to try.
So... After I get my loves wedding ring ready for the weding, and other odds and ends
I see what I can do.
Unless anyone could email the FREE TRIAL software (not a pirate {cus i'm sure trafficing in sotlen software is illigel here} verson) to use/try.
I am running windows XP SP2
No mac near 😞 sorry
just a side note It really is funny becouse I started playing this game in the jr high MAC lab and have always missed it on the PC side.

summary:found a tool to make plugins, Stufit 9.0 posable answer to mac plugins on PC

I don't think you can get Expander by itself anymore. You have to download Stuffit Standard which includes Stuffit Expander (free) and DropStuff (shareware). At least, that's how it is on a mac - I'm guessing it's the same on windows.

The compression standard that yields files with the .hqx extension is called BinHex. It consists of an algorithm by which any file can be converted into ASCII code and thus it is possible, though extremely unlikely, for a human being to teach themselves to "read" the compressed file.

The extension .sit is found on StuffIt archives.

MacBinary compression produces .bin filename extensions.

Thanks you for your information
Belthazar have enlighent me has to how to get stufit(and freinds).
Hope to post happy news in the near future (before next tuesday). 😄 😄 😄

It worked thanks to Belthazar for helping me get stufit 9
thank you
And thanks to Edwards who quoted Bel
thank you
and thanks to Guy for the info.

I was/now am able to use the plugins.
I will post later with all the setps
for now thanks