Still need some help

Frustration abounds

I don't know why this Cambrian is causing me so much trouble, but here's the issue. I got the manta bays working (thanks Edwards) finally, and the point defense beam now works, BUT now I'm getting complaints that you can't buy any outfits on any planets. I tested this, and no one will give you anything other than one of their ships. No outfits for Feds, Rebels, Pirates, Polaris, or Aurorans. The only thing I could get was Carbon Fiber on one of the Auroran planets. I can't think of what might be not allowing me to purchase outfits.. any suggestions?

(Or good luck wishes that this'll be the last bug I can't figure out? Please be sparse on these though)

(EDIT: Just to clarify this further, I attempted to purchase a normal, unmodified ship and it allows me to purchase upgrades then, just not when you're flying the starting, custom, ship.)

This post has been edited by Cade : 30 April 2005 - 01:07 PM

Cade, on Apr 30 2005, 10:41 AM, said: I'm getting complaints that you can't buy any outfits on any planets. I tested this, and no one will give you anything other than one of their ships. No outfits for Feds, Rebels, Pirates, Polaris, or Aurorans. The only thing I could get was Carbon Fiber on one of the Auroran planets. I can't think of what might be not allowing me to purchase outfits.. any suggestions?
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I'd say that your ship is probably missing an essential Contribute bit, except that it can buy Carbon Fiber. :huh:
Anyway, the default scenario uses a Contribute/Require bit to determine if a given ship is allowed to buy most outfits. The Vell-os, Wraith and Krypt "ships" don't have the correct bit set, and thus can't buy any outfits.
The various editors each handle Contribute and Require bits differently, so here's a list of how to set the correct bit in three of the existing editors (in the shďp editor):

NovaTools: Select the checkbox in the far lower right-hand corner of the Contribute bit grid- above the grid it should say Contribute1= 0x00000001. At least, the last digit should be odd.

MissionComputer: Double-click on the "Contributes" item, and click the "5A" checkbox.

EVNEW: Click the edit button beside the Contribute field, and select Bit 1.

You can find more information about Contribute and Require bits here.

If this doesn't solve your problem, I'm not sure how else to help.


PS. The possible problem I told you about is one of the most common ones people have. Don't take it too hard.

Edwards is 100% correct, I had the same problem. The first flag in the Contribute has to be activated.

Edwards, on Apr 30 2005, 03:02 PM, said:

EVNEW: Click the edit button beside the Contribute field, and select Bit 1.

Bada boom. It works. Dude, you're a great help! That's twice now you've helped me out. Thanks!

Edwards, on Apr 30 2005, 03:02 PM, said:

PS. The possible problem I told you about is one of the most common ones people have. Don't take it too hard.
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I don't take anything on here hard at all. I know I'm still fairly new to plug-in programming, so I don't take any offense to someone pointing out what my problem is, even if it's stupid - like the manta bay problem I had. (turns out I had the resource ID set to weap 500, but there's a limit of 300-some to weaps... Oops. Fixed the number and it worked. Same went for my point defense laser..)
