Still, no Wolf Claws

After reinstalling Trinity, I still can't use Wolf Claws. Damage indicates that I have "40-83(+1)". Aaarggg



Originally posted by Rhabull:
After reinstalling Trinity, I still can't use Wolf Claws. Damage indicates that I have "40-83(+1)".

The +1 indicates that your strength is 16(any value above 15 gives a bonus equal to the excess). The 40-83 damage indicates the base damage of your weapon.

Unequip the wolf claws and take a look at your damage without any weapon equipped.

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Originally posted by Rhabull:
**After reinstalling Trinity, I still can't use Wolf Claws. Damage indicates that I have "40-83(+1)". Aaarggg


When you strike a foe, the damage to them would be in the range of 41 to 84 if it is a good shot which they do not successfully defend, with the Wolf Claws equiped. If you used no weapon (just your bare fist,) the damage would be 2 to 4. If you built your strength up to 30, the Wolf Claws would then do 55 to 98 damage points per blow. If the enemy you are trying to defeat has a health point rating of 500, it's still going to take about six to ten good shots to take them down.

What are you trying to kill? Maybe they're too big for you with a strength of only 16. Wolf Claws are (is?) the best weapon for a Ranger without the benefit of certain plugins or cheats. You need to work on your strength.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
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Thank you Stark and Ducky for explaining the damage part. It is a relief to know that I can still use them. I guess it's off to Kalixa's to load up on elixers!

By the way. without being equiped, my damage is only a wimpy 1-3(+1).



Originally posted by Rhabull:
**Thank you Stark and Ducky for explaining the damage part. It is a relief to know that I can still use them. I guess it's off to Kalixa's to load up on elixers!

By the way. without being equiped, my damage is only a wimpy 1-3(+1).

Thunderforge remembers that ArcAngel Counterstrike was able to kill sea giants with about two blows with no weapons equipped (thanks to his absurdly high amount of strength).

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!


Originally posted by Thunderforge:
Thunderforge remembers that ArcAngel Counterstrike was able to kill sea giants with about two blows with no weapons equipped (thanks to his absurdly high amount of strength).

All it takes to knock the Guardian down in one blow with no weapon is strength of 2514 for a guaranteed knockout. (One for the fist and the other 2499 from strength bonus.) Sea Giants are a mere 2014 strength requirement. AAC is not alone in this accomplishment. I have done this before I ever opened the Trinity plugin. It's a lot cleaner that way, there is much less blood on the battlefield. 😄 ~RD

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
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(url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG.

This game needs skill caps, just doesnt make sense being able to punch a giant once and killing it 🙂

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, Ory 'hara, and poger825.


Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
**This game needs skill caps, just doesnt make sense being able to punch a giant once and killing it:)


Yeah, it does get boring that way. Usually I start a new game and then when I get close to finishing it, I quit and start another new game. I hope some more plugins come out soon.

Boo! Did I scare you? No? BOO! How about now? Good!

How n' heck would you ever get up to 2500+ strength points? I'm at level 22 and currently have 20.


Klaxia at Witch Finger sells elixars of strength (which give you +1 strength). You can also find potions of strength (and most other stats) which do the same as their elixar counterparts, but they are not sold. Only found in the wild.

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!


Originally posted by Rhabull:
How n' heck would you ever get up to 2500+ strength points?

If you are going to do this without cheats of any kind (as it was done,) it means killing a lot of cyclopes and other mid-range creatures to harvest the gold and goodies. Strength is only one of the stats to be considered. Vitality is very important early because it increases your health points on each level-up and you want that to happen when level-ups are still frequent. Luck is also important because it means you have a better chance of getting more and better things dropped when a creature falls. Don't overlook dexterity, it allows you to score more acurate hits. Marksmanship (or Perception) is only important if you use ranged weapons (Bows.)

Strategy is the answer to all of this. The following is how I would proceed with a new game now:

From the start, buy the best equipment you can find as soon as you are able. You can, BTW, usually collect about 200 gold pieces before you have met your first goblin.

Level 0 - 12. Survive. As soon as you have access to Gwyden Camp (or later Fungus' Getaway,) sell all unwanted items there where the price is higher, and buy all neccessities in major towns where the cost is less.

Level 13 - 14. Do all you can to improve your health like taking a training course with Sandy at the Pink Termite Resort. Awaken the Spirit of Nature. Start selling off low yield health items such as apples and cheese, and purchase higher yield items like Healing Concoctions and Potions. Use the selling-buying guide outlined above.

Level 15 -18. Get access to Witch Finger as soon as possible. Initial purchase goals: Vit. 50%, Str. 10%, Dex. 10%, Luck 10%, Perc. 10% if needed, remainder where you wish.

Level 19 - 22. Spread purchase money evenly. 20% for each stat or 25% each in you don't use bows.

Level 23 - 27. Bring vitality, dexterity, and luck gradually up to about 100 - 150 while all else goes to strength.

Once you get your strength to about 675 it only takes three blows to kill a Sea Giant. At that point it becomes a lot easier because you don't need to purchase much more healing, the creatures will drop more than you need if you use the tent well. And you should have all the armor and weapons required by now. By going to the east gate of Gidolan Keep, you can fell as many Sea Giants as you dare and run north when your health gets low. There you can set up the tent without having to clear hostiles first because there aren't any in that square. I once collected seven Rings of Gods in about twenty-five minutes. If sold in the right place, these bring 30,000 gold each. That buys a lot of elixirs from Kalixa. ~RD

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
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Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**Level 13 - 14. . . . Awaken the Spirit of Nature. . . .

WOW! I'm impressed! You can do this at level 13? 😉 I know you have special abilities but now I think you've been hanging around that crowd in the Blue Mushroom Pub too much. 😄

BIBLE: Basic Information Before Leaving Earth


Originally posted by Silver Eagle:
**WOW! I'm impressed! You can do this at level 13?;) I know you have special abilities but now I think you've been hanging around that crowd in the Blue Mushroom Pub too much. 😄


Well maybe that comes a little later because you do have to get across Reefs Is. first. I lumped it in there because it's one of the extra things you can do to beef up your healthy condition. Probably belongs more with level 17 - 18.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG.


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
Well maybe that comes a little later because you do have to get across Reefs Is. first. I lumped it in there because it's one of the extra things you can do to beef up your healthy condition. Probably belongs more with level 17 - 18.

I think you were correct the first time.

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