A Question of Legality

In the real world

If I am making a plug-in for Nova, is it legally acceptable to use graphics from EVC/O? I would of course not take credit for the graphics. If you are wondering why I don't just make my own graphics, well, I admit it, I lack any useful knowledge for this purpose.
I apologize if this is the wrong board or a stupid question, but it seemed like an important question that would have an answer which many would find useful, and I didn't know where else to ask.

The Babylon 5 TC for EVO used graphics from EVC and from EVO (some modified, some not) -- I don't think ASW has tightened their rules since then. Borrowing between Ambrosia games also seems to be fine, since there has been a whole series of Maelstrom plugs for EV games.

If you are thinking of using EVO ships, I should tell you that all the Nova-ized resources in the "Cold Fusion for Nova" graphic update plug set (see my site) are also approved for re-use -- you just have to write a read-me that credits Captain Skyblade, Slav, Ragashingo, and me. Don't go assuming that this is true for other plugs, though -- even ones by the same authors! 😉

Cold Fusion, I didn't even think of that! That would really make the graphics look less out of place, especially the outfit pics. Thank you. I will bookmark this to ensure I don't forget who to credit.