milla'kara shield

Didn't know that it took 3 grand to buy the shield, so I showed up a little short.Tried selling Kalixa some potions, but that didn't seem to work. Do I need to leave the whole cave and start again, or is she never going to give me the damn shield? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Leave, kill, steal, come back.

-esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
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"Always watch out for the cornhole." -dude3


Originally posted by hisbabbness:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi hisbabbness. Welcome to the boards. All you have to do is come up with enough gold pieces. That does mean you are going to need funds from somewhere. Can you sell her armor you're not using? If you don't have enough to sell, you make another trip or go in the cave and kill Manticores until you are flush.

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I remember on my second file (conjuror), I thought that it was thirty grand instead of three grand. I ended up with about forty five grand so that I could buy some potions. Then when I finally got to Witch Finger, I realized that it was three grand! So I bought about twelve potions of vitality along with the shield. Well, it was extremely beneficial!

Also, to answer your question about leaving the whole cave and coming back, about halfway through the cave, there is an exit to the surface. On the surface, you will find a termite tunnel entrance. There are several of these throughout Garendall. You can enter any one and travel to any other one that you have opened before. This makes traveling across the kingdom must faster.

Clones are people two.
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A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!