EVONE Pic Editing

How do I import my own pics of ships/etc

I asked on the EVONE forum, and the responce was:

"Check out the rle8/D editor. If you know the ID you are looking for, you can easily find and open that resource, and paste in new graphics."

I have absolutely no idea what this means, this being my first plug-in and all. Could anyone help?

<<Edit>> And while I'm on the EVONE subject...how do I delete systems or nebulae from the galaxy?

This post has been edited by Smittens : 31 December 2004 - 07:11 PM

Select the system or the nebula and press the delete button under it's position.

I think that you have to create a pict resource, then paste the picture in.

rmx256, on Dec 31 2004, 04:23 PM, said:

Select the system or the nebula and press the delete button under it's position.

I think that you have to create a pict resource, then paste the picture in.
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The pic thing I figured out, but with the systems/nebula it won't let me delete it if I haven't created it--the delete button is greyed out.

This means the stuff you're attempting to delete is in the Nova data files, and you're doing a plug-in: a plug-in can add and replace stuff from the base scenario, not remove. If you wish to do a whole new universe from scratch, the best would be to set EVONE not to show the resource inside the Nova data files, and create new data files. The best way to do that is to make a copy of the Nova data files and edit that copy, removing the stuff you need removed.