Nil'k manta bay? why not.

....except, it doesn't quite work.

i have a very small addition to make, PC version.

frankly, i never play EVN without the Ship Variants plugin. its practically a reflex. so when i finally got into MAKING plugs instead of just using them, i couldn't help but notice that there wasn't a fighter bay for the nil'k manta. "alright", i said, "maybe he (the fine fellow who made the Ship Variants plug) wasn't thinking about it." so i went looking in the weap list in "Nova Data 4.rez".

but i didn't find a matching weap and outf resource to match with. "ok", i said. "so why not make one myself? i've made outfits and weapons before... why not make one for this Nil'k manta bay idea?"

and so i did. and it worked. sort of. :blink:

key words: "sort of". while i can place the weap id in a ship resource and then go buy the ship and have a Nil'k manta bay and fighters all ready to go, i simply cannot get the weapon and ammo outf resources to match with the weap. nothing i've tried has made the nil'k manta bay (or the nil'k mantas themselves) available for purchase, at ANY shipyard.

what's wrong here? what am i doing wrong, or not doing? the rez file's attached (zipped as Belthazar so kindly suggested).

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Trooper1023 : 30 November 2004 - 01:06 AM

Try setting the tech level to 9, and checking bit number 1 in the require field, as I sort-of suggested in your other thread. Then go to the places where you would normally buy the Polaran string outfits.

i've tried both, with that bit and without. i'm already IN the Polaris mis string, and i use Ver'ar Roqu in the Ver'roqi system as my base for this experiement.

here's my current config, and no it still doesn't work.

EDIT: geh, no wonder i'm getting so frustrated... it's frickin' 1am. i'd better pick this up another night, before i start tearing my hair out (kinda stupid, i know, but i can't help late night frustrations... :rolleyes: )

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Trooper1023 : 30 November 2004 - 01:15 AM

Bah, I can't figure it out - both are effectively identical to the equivalent resources in the default Nova Scenario. There's probably some obvious thing staring us in the face that we're both missing, but I can't work it out.

Only other thing I can think of is did you try starting a new pilot after adding the outfit? Doubt that will do anything, though.

First problem I see is that the outf IDs are too high. According to the bible you can only have 512 outf's, meaning 639 is the highest number you can use for an outf ID. I'll post more as I figure it out.

- edit -

Yes, changing the outf ID's fixes it. You then also have to modify the ID's of the desc's and pict's and anything else that references the outf ID's.

I didn't do a comprehensive check of everything in your plug, but one thing I noticed is that, while you include a ship and shan resources for the Nil'k Manta, you do not have a corresponding desc or pict for it to appear in the shipyard. So, if you want them to be purchasable, you should add those. If you're content with just the bay, then you don't need to.

Good luck, and have fun.


This post has been edited by Qaanol : 30 November 2004 - 02:18 AM

... Easy. I knew there was something obvious I was overlooking. :rolleyes:

Read... my... li- I mean guides!

Qaanol, on Nov 30 2004, 02:04 AM, said:

First problem I see is that the outf IDs are too high. According to the bible you can only have 512 outf's, meaning 639 is the highest number you can use for an outf ID. I'll post more as I figure it out.

i was wondering about that... "maybe there's an upper limit to how high the outf IDs can go?" i thought. unfortunately, i must have missed that section of that guide Zacha's talking about <_< i've been using several of them, after determining that the EVN Bible just wasn't cutting it, by itself....

thanks, though, both of you.

This post has been edited by Trooper1023 : 30 November 2004 - 10:27 AM

Trooper1023, on Nov 30 2004, 01:00 AM, said:

i have a very small addition to make, PC version.

frankly, i never play EVN without the Ship Variants plugin. its practically a reflex. so when i finally got into MAKING plugs instead of just using them, i couldn't help but notice that there wasn't a fighter bay for the nil'k manta. "alright", i said, "maybe he (the fine fellow who made the Ship Variants plug) wasn't thinking about it." so i went looking in the weap list in "Nova Data 4.rez".

but i didn't find a matching weap and outf resource to match with. "ok", i said. "so why not make one myself? i've made outfits and weapons before... why not make one for this Nil'k manta bay idea?"

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You're exactly right, there isn't a fighter bay for the other variants of the Manta. This is actually true for a lot of the fighters in Nova, this was just overlooked in Ship Variants. I noticed this too, and I feel the same way, it should be in there, the point of the plugin is to let you get all of the variants, and it doesn't make sense for you to be able to buy all three kinds of Mantas in the shipyard but not as fighters. You can expect the next version to fix this along with everything else the update will do. 🙂
Feel free to release your addition as an addition for Ship Variants, just be aware that it will only work perfectly with the 1.0.6 version, and not the 1.0.8 version of Ship Variants that I'll be releasing in a few months or less.

WraithSniper, on Nov 30 2004, 02:55 PM, said:

You can expect the next version to fix this along with everything else the update will do. 🙂

yea! no worries about releasing my mini-updated ver, only to have people come back and bite my head off when something goes wrong. 😛


Feel free to release your addition as an addition for Ship Variants, just be aware that it will only work perfectly with the 1.0.6 version, and not the 1.0.8 version of Ship Variants that I'll be releasing in a few months or less.

erm.... see above comment. lol. honestly, i think i'll wait. helping out Bel with the PC version of SAE is more than enough to keep my free time busy....

This post has been edited by Trooper1023 : 30 November 2004 - 05:10 PM

Zacha Pedro, on Nov 30 2004, 07:15 AM, said:

Read... my... li- I mean guides!
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Speaking of which, is there a place where you have them all in one place? I want to read them, but they are all forum posts, and thus hard to uncover. Normally I would search and and all that first, but I am worried I will forget to ask like I have done a few times. It seems most are in the links thread, but I don't think I see them all there. You should at least make a website to put them all, so they don't get lost. They are immensely helpful.

They are all in the link thread, I made sure this was the case. Thanks for asking them to be put in a website, go bother Space Pirate about that, and I'll try to make sure this happen quicker (by porting them to HTML for instance).