Quick Question

...are they ALL integer fields?

Is it possible to put in a fractional value for any of the ModVals in the outf resource, especially if the outf ModType is 18 (fuel scoop)? I want to make reactors that have extreme fuel regeneration and outfits that take up much energy, but it seems that I may have to duplicate the 18 field in order to achieve some of these effects. That would be rather unfortunate.

No. The fastest one fuel scoop mod can run is 30 units of fuel a second.
The fastest a dedicated fuel scoop outfit can run is 120 units a second.

Use the onBuy/onSell to manage a second invisible outfit for any other mods.

Ah, so putting ModType 18 in multiple ModType fields increases the fuel scoop capability? Thanks.

As I learned for SS, if you need a value for fuel scoops between, say, 17 and 18, then you have to use two separate scoops with values of something like 25 and 100. This is one of the cases where using a spreadsheet is a big advantage. I made a special field in mine that would calculate the effective rate of fuel regeneration across all 4 mod fields, so I could fine-tune any value I wanted.

There is no fractional/fixed point/floating point number anywhere in the templates.

Thanks, didn't think so.

I'd like to take this opportunity to back Masamune up in his point: Excel is a very useful tool when it comes to filling out the numbers and such. Even being the spreadsheet n00b that I am (I used to be pretty good at those things), I was able to whip up several formulae that really worked to my advantage.

Besides, at the very least, you can easily compare values (for example, all your weapon damages) at a glance, without having to open each resource separately. And if you know what you're doing, the tab-delimited format that is used by ResStore/ConText is platform-independent :).

EVNEW can also export the data into a tab-delimited .txt file. I discovered that one quite by accident, and have since been having fun using Excel to search through the data files. 🙂

Not to mention I don't have to launch Classic or find which data file contains which resource when I need to find examples for my guide, I just check my big AppleWorks spreadsheet (sorry, no Excel), and voila! Really, ConText rocks (as does the EVNEW export feature).