Wraitii Generator

It only disables

Oh that was one of the thing that made me very unhappy. I loved it but the thing is it only disables not destroys the enemy. Is it possible to change this in a possible revision of the plug Pace?

Decreped Crow, on Oct 29 2004, 08:14 AM, said:

Oh that was one of the thing that made me very unhappy. I loved it but the thing is it only disables not destroys the enemy. Is it possible to change this in a possible revision of the plug Pace?
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To make an Arpia suggestion go here Otherwise you can easily change it yourself by unchecking the disabliling only tag on the weap resource.

It only disables because I wanted it only to disable. But of course, if people wish it to destroy, that's possible too (just suggest it, here or on the Arpia forums, but preferably the latter)

I think its a good feature. I cant think how many times I've destroyed a ship I was trying to disable. This way its easy.

Cool! Someone thinks like me!! 🙂

Bows head slightly in shame, yes I see what you mean, but couldn't there be two versions like the Aurorans and have one destroying type and one disabling type of a secondary weapon?

Yes, that's a possibility.
Okay, it's been made a feature. Once the Wraithii Generator is made available, there are two versions.