Help Please...

I'm a little confused

Okay, so I'm new to the EVN graphic thing..

As a test I'm currently trying to make a weapon projectile sprite. Now, I've got a movie of the thing rotating completely and I really don't understand how to turn it into one of those RleD resources EVN uses...

Thanks for your help 🆒

What computer platform are you running on?

Dave @ ATMOS

slams forehead into desk :rolleyes:

Sorry about that lack of crucial detail. That's the oldest one in the book to forget.

I'm running an iBook, with Mac OSX 10.3.5/9.2.2

Oooh, oooh, I can field this one!
OK, first you need to process your movie with M2S (get it in this package: http://w00tware.ev-n...s/Sprites.sit)- be sure that you have a 36 frame movie for EVC or EVO, and 36 is a good round number for the Nova engine too. It should create two files wherever you tell it to, called 'sprite file.16bit' and 'sprite file.mask'. Open the resulting files in ResEdit or EVONE (I don't think that MissionComputer handles rle's yet, wish it did) and create a new file. Copy your pict resource for the 'missile' or whatever, and the one for the mask (be sure to give it a different resource id) into the new file and then create a 'spďn' resource. The spďn has fields for all of the important information such as the resid of the sprite and the resid of the mask and thier respective pixel sizes. They should be filled in. In ResEdit (with NovaTools installed, of course: http://w00tware.ev-n.../NovaTools.sit) you might have to enter the information into the spďn resource, close it and then open it again to see your changes effected. BE SURE that you name your resources! It could prevent trouble later. Anyway. Save that file on the desktop for convienience, then process it with EnRLE ( http://w00tware.ev-n.../EnRLEDeRLE.sit ). The default settings of EnRle should be fine. If you named your resources, will create files on your desktop (or wherever) called "(insert your resource name here).rleD" and "(insert your resource name here).rle8". If not, then you'll have some files with names that begin with periods that may be invisible. Anyway, that is about it, I think. I just did this process myself last night twice and I don't think that I left anything out. Just be sure that you have a 36 frame movie- it's really about the best number. Also, things are easier if the movie frames are only as big as they need to be- I rendered a ship at 640480 though the ship itself was only about 150150 in the middle of the frame and it made things really kind of jumpy. (Fixed a link in the edit).

This post has been edited by rmx256 : 30 October 2004 - 07:42 AM

Hup, looks like rmx beat me to it. That's the answer you're looking for, Xenesis!

Dave @ ATMOS