A little Mechanisto help would be appreciated

I know that this is more than likely not the correct place for this but I am unaware of any Mech' forums anywhere and, certainly, many of the old dev hands here are well versed with it, so...

OK. I am having som trouble with my ships ending up, during all renders, being slightly transparent. This seems independant of bump maps, texturing, even base colors. Case in point: I have a destroyer with five large engines that I made in another session and then imported. I don't want the whole thing sticking out of the back so they are half-in, half-out of the rear of the ship. When I render, the engines cast a shadow on what is above them, even when 'casts shadows' is deactivated (not withstanding that all light sources come from above the ship). In fact, any object that is partially embedded in another part ends up making that surface that it is embedded in translucent. I can even see the bottoms of shapes through the tops (even with 'remove back faces' turned off)!

Is there something that I am missing here, or have I hit a stumbling block in Mechanisto? I would really hate to think this, as I have a lot of work invested here already and I do not have any other programs for this purpose. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it 🙂


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