Windows plug developers please take note

A recent posting to the EVN addons page contains this sentence:

...This plug-in is in .rez format, so it is for Windows only.

While that statement is correct in and of itself, it implies that the plug referred to can not be used on a Mac at all, which is not true. David Arthur has created the "MacPluginConvertor101" application, available on the Utilities addons page, which converts .rez plugs into Mac resource plugs.
So Windows developers, yes it's a good idea to warn folks about the format of your new plug, but statements like the one above will very likely scare off unknowledgable Mac users and you won't get as many downloads as you possibly could. You should put something like this in your addons description instead:

...This plug-in is in Windows .rez format, so Mac users will have to convert using MacPluginConvertor101.

That way everybody is made aware of what they're dealing with and more people will benefit from the efforts you made to create your new plug.

Not only is there the one by DA, but there's also (url="http://"")RezConv(/url) by Arios Software (maker of EVONE), which converts Rez to Mac as well as Mac to Rez. I've had issues with it in OS 9.1 (haven't tried the new link for the OS 9 version, probably the rezconv9.sit or whatever he posted in response to my report), but in OS X (runs under 10.2 and 10.2.8 and whatever Jeff runs) and OS 9.2.x it should work. I don't know about 9.0, as I don't have it.

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
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I think such info should be put in EVNEW's docs (though it's there a bit, but not clearly enough). It's understandable Win plug devers are unaware of this.

To make this clearer for the unknowledgables: Jeff is AriosSW.

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There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.

The very latest plugin on the add-ons page:
"Questions, bugs, email me at This plug-in is in .rez format, so it is for Windows only."
Putting a nice, clear heads up in the EVNEW docs would probably solve the problem.

A wise man is one who knows when he is being a fool.
Play Marathon again! (url="http://"")Aleph One.(/url)

Is thier a program that does converts it to a Mac format so that a PC develeoper could release it in both formats.

Just a thought



Originally posted by philipw:
**Is thier a program that does converts it to a Mac format so that a PC develeoper could release it in both formats.

Just a thought


Not a PC program. If a PC user wants to release a plug in Mac format they must first send it to someone with a mac who can then do the conversion. But releasing two formats of an identical plug is discouraged and generally unnecessary as mac users are quite capable of doing the conversion themselves. There was a lengthy discussion about the way to do things (url="http://";=005402")here(/url) but I forget what the outcome was for PC uploaders.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams

As Guy said, the best thing to do would be to work with a mac user, and have him convert and .bin the files. If you ask me, I think a .rez > mac converter should be included with further distributions of EV Nova, just to make things simple, though.

FYI, this topic is fairly old by board standards...

~ SP

Fear the SpacePirate,
He made a (url="http://"")plug-in search page(/url)...
And he'll board your ship!
*** (url="http://"")InfernoStudios(/url) was last updated 06 June, 2004. ***