Big question about making ship graphics

I am fairy skilled in editin EV resources but I want to start creating my own ships but I dont know how.
Please list needed programs and where to get them.
Thank you.


First of all you need a 3D model of a ship. This must then be animated 360 degrees, and a 36 frame sprite panel and mask have to be made from it.

The whole process is difficult and the best programs for 3D ship making are usually expensive. Mechinisto is one free program, wings and blender are also free I think, but I have never tried to find out.
somebody else could probobly help you more.

Cmon people, the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
I love Frigates, as is easily seen:(url="http://"")EV Frigates(/url).

this is a brand new question! /end sarcasm

do a search. what_is_the_matrix has a lovely list that he posts every other day in answer to this exact same question.

(url="http://"")Adventure Dog(/url): Everyone's favorite little black and white dog.
(url="http://"")Walkthroughs for 3D space scenes and objects(/url) - please feel free to add your own methods to the thread.


Originally posted by sparky:
**this is a brand new question! /end sarcasm

do a search. what_is_the_matrix has a lovely list that he posts every other day in answer to this exact same question.


I don't think I post it every other day, but it sure feels like it. Maybe it'll sink in eventually. Just think: if I post it in every post in every topic, if any looks at a topic, they'll get my list. Course, that'd probably get me banned from the board, but it would really keep people from asking...


Originally posted every other day by what_is_the_matrix:
Mechanisto (free but unsupported - I have no link), POV-Ray (free), Wings 3D (free), Blender (free), Alias Maya 5.0 Personal Learning Edition (free - not full featured w/ watermarks), Softimage XSI Experience ($19.95 - not full featured w/ less obtrusive watermarks than PLE), Eovia Carrara Studio 3 ($399), Maxon Cinema 4D 8.5 ($595), Strata 3DPro 3.9 ($695), Eovia Amapi 7 Pro ($799), Rhinoceros 3.0 ($895), Softimage 3D 4.0 ($1495), Newtek Lightwave 3D 7.5 - soon to be 8.0 ($1595), Softimage XSI (no price quoted, but probably more expensive than Lightwave), Alias Maya Complete 6.0 ($1999), Discreet 3D Studio Max 6 ($3145), Alias Maya Unlimited 6.0 ($6999).

Start with Wings, Blender, Mechanisto, or basically anything free, and work with it until you figure out that you aren't getting the results that you want with it. For instance, if you want to make a complex shape that you simply can't make with the free programs. It's at this point that you want to move on to a more expensive program. The "Big Four" programs are Maya, 3DSMax, Softimage, and Lightwave. If you plan on going into a graphics career in the gaming industry, then 3DSMax is your best bet, because it's the most prevalent program. Maya, Soft, and Lightwave are more widespread in the movie industry. Strata and Carrara are still good, but basically choose a program that fits your modeling style, etc. It'll be a bit easier to choose which expensive program you want to invest in when you have the experience to know what you want from the program. Pretty much all of these programs are available for all platforms except for (to the best of my knowledge) Softimage, Rhinoceros, and 3DSMax, which are not available for the Macintosh.

It's not completely comprehensive, but it contains many of the major programs and many of the free or cheap smaller programs. I personally use Lightwave 8.0 and Maya 5.0 at home but before that, I used POV-Ray.


"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought -- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things." - Woody Allen

(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 07-13-2004).)


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Just think: if I post it in every post in every topic, if any looks at a topic, they'll get my list. Course, that'd probably get me banned from the board, but it would really keep people from asking...


hehe. almost worth it... but no. :sigh: thank god for copy/paste, eh?

(url="http://"")Adventure Dog(/url): Everyone's favorite little black and white dog.
(url="http://"")Walkthroughs for 3D space scenes and objects(/url) - please feel free to add your own methods to the thread.


Originally posted by sparky:
**hehe. almost worth it... but no. :sigh: thank god for copy/paste, eh?


Yes, thank God for copy/paste, but it took me 10 minutes just to find my latest post so that I could copy it. I finally decided to paste it into text file so that I could bring it up again.


"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought -- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things." - Woody Allen

(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

I get Wings3d and model of ship, what to do now (I am practiculary interested how to turn my 3d model to RLE resource) ????
(I am MAC user)

(This message has been edited by Alexei (edited 07-14-2004).)


Originally posted by Alexei:
I get Wings3d and model of ship, what to do now (I am practiculary interested how to turn my 3d model to RLE resource) ????
(I am MAC user)

(This message has been edited by Alexei (edited 07-14-2004).)**

The simple but not very through explantaion.

1. Render a movie where the ship rotates 350 degrees over 36 frames..

2. Drop the movie onto the m2s´ll get two nice sprite images.

3. Open Resedit hit cmd-k Type PICT.. paste in both sprite images. Give them seperate IDs

4. Use cmd-k to create a shän resource, give it an unused ID. Type the ID values into the Baseimage and the base mask boxes.

5.Add a ship resource.

6. Drop your plug onto EnRLE and replace teh PICT resource with the RLE resources

And then there were silence.................


Originally posted by modesty_blaise_us:
**The simple but not very through explantaion.

1. Render a movie where the ship rotates 350 degrees over 36 frames..

2. Drop the movie onto the m2s´ll get two nice sprite images.

3. Open Resedit hit cmd-k Type PICT.. paste in both sprite images. Give them seperate IDs

4. Use cmd-k to create a shän resource, give it an unused ID. Type the ID values into the Baseimage and the base mask boxes.

5.Add a ship resource.

6. Drop your plug onto EnRLE and replace teh PICT resource with the RLE resources


But wings cant do #1, you will have to get another program in order to spin it.

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What programs would I have to use to do that process on Windows? I have the model and 360 frame animation...

Contact Me For: 3d Modeling / Digital Media / Music&Sound; FX / Web Design

Can u recomend me a good program to spin my ship or 3D program that can render it??
Thanks for numerous repplies! 🙂


I know that some people use POV-Ray to render Wings 3D meshes (I think you have to export or something, though), but I've never done it. The advantage is that both programs are free. The disadvantage is that POV-Ray is quite intimidating to a new user. Of course, since I didn't know any better, I just dove right in. The trick is to never give up.


"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought -- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things." - Woody Allen

(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)