Unused resource ID's

allright. So i was using EVNEW to try to make a new ship, and i want new graphics and descriptions (which seem unchangable) and i want it to not replace an existing ship (that is to be a new ship entirely and not just steal an ID)

Life defines itself. Everything else is just an imitation. --Alan Dean Foster

415 is the next unused ship resource ID.

For future reference, here's a list of some that I pulled out of EVNew by browsing for 10 or 15 minutes:

Next unused resource ID
boom - 142
char - 129
cicn - varies, 20001 and up are safe
colr - ???
cron - 386
desc - (varies, EVNew should automatically assign one for most resources)
dude - 275
flet - 266
govt - 196
intf - 135
junk - 150
misn - 917
nebu - 132
oops - 147
outf - 444
pers - 644
pict - (varies, EVNew should automatically assign one for most resources)
rank - 159
rle8 - varies, 9000 and up are safe values
rleD - varies, 9000 and up are safe values
roid - 144
shan - 415 (This is always the same as the coresponding ship ID)
ship - 415
snd - varies, 10035 and up are safe values
spin - 1066 for spob spins, 3056 for weapon spins
spob - 1421
str - ???
str# - varies, 25077 and up are all safe values
syst - 769-1124, 1128 and up are unused
weap - 235


Nice. I'm sure a lot of people will find that list handy. I know I will.

A few notes:

There can only be one colr resource (128), so that is irrelevent.

For the desc and pict resources, I don't see how EVNEW could automatically assign an unused value unless you are modifying the data files themselves. In a plug, EVNEW would just assign IDs starting at 128 and moving upwards.

(EDIT): typos

"If A equals success, then the formula is A=X+Y+Z, where X is work, Y is play, and Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein

(This message has been edited by PBoat101 (edited 06-26-2004).)

In some cases, such as targeting picts and shipyard picts of ships, for example, the resource ID of the pict is tied to the ship ID, and EVNew automatically tells you what the pict ID needs to be. If you're looking for a sure-fire safe pict to start on, try ID 12028 and up.
