Problem with EV: Override Plug-ins

I followed the directions for the windows plug-ins for EV: Override, but they're not working... can somebody tell me what I did wrong or perhaps why it's not working? The reason I came here is because also maybe one of the developers can help me with the issue, but if somebody else can answer why, then great!

I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart, a big fan of EV: Nova... now... a fan of attempting to make plug-ins!

Can you be more specific? EVO Plugs aren't designed to work on PC unless you're using Mac Emulator.


There was this plug-in page for PCs only for EV: Nova and it have EV: Override plug-ins... I got the stuff-it file and I expanded it and followed the instructions and it should have worked... I also used the test plug-in that came with the game called Slayer, but I don't think that worked, either.

I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart, a big fan of EV: Nova... now... a fan of attempting to make plug-ins!

Gotcha! Slayer does work, but the ships show themselve at Our Spiel. So you need to finish the storyline to see if Slayer works.


Plugins which are designed for the EV Override engine will not work on the EV Nova engine at all - they're completely different cookies. You'll need to wait for someone to port them over before you can use them.