Pictures Needed

Hi, I'm working on a new plugin, its small for the moment, but I'm trying to get it more in-depth, and I was wondering if anyone out there was able to help me with a problem I have. Right now I have 4 ships and 3 outfits. The outfits don't have any graphics, but the ships I made look like the Thunderforge (so I could still test out the plugin). I was hoping that if anyone out there has time, if I could possible get some graphics made for them? The ships are somewhat large, but the biggest would probably be 1.5 leviathans (1.5x the size of a Levi), and the smallest I'd say is slightly smaller than a Leviathan. If anyone can help, I'd very much appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.


Oh good grief, now instead of having everybody asking for where to find the stuff to make ships, we have people asking to have ships made.

Not to condone you, however, but there seems to be a severe lack of willing graphics artists at the moment. The few skilled people who can make Nova quality graphics are probably tied up at the moment in other projects, and I think somebody asked for largish ships earlier and got turned down. Unlike in the olden days, when ships were made for EVC, now anybody can do that... I can even make ships for EVC now...

I am ME hear me roar!

I might help you with pics for weapons (if you need pics of your ships why don't you do them with your graphic program 😕 Its really difficult to do a picture of a ship without having the graphics)
You just have to tell me what type of weapons you need (laser/guns/turret/missile) it might be helpfull too if you send me a graphic of you ship to my e-mail. for I can put the weopons on the ship (it looks better) and make a picture then.
I hope I can help you 😄

-If speak with a noob think at that u were a noob once too-

Find someone from a tech magnet school nearby and ask them, tell them it will look good on the resumé!
That's how I got Jay to do my graphics for me. (Of course, we have been good friends for the past 4 years anyhow...)


In the beginning there was the Stage, and the Stage was without lights or sets, and darkness was on the faces of the actors. And the Technical Director said, "Let there be Lights!" -The Techie Gospel (Genesis 1:1)
Techies do it in the dark
Techie (tek-y)-Someone who gets yelled at when the actors mess up

I dont think it's nice if i offer you some help and you don't give me any answer :mad: !
If you were not online since you were posting this topic its okay but plz don't post topics and don't send reply's them afterwards. It might give you much negotations with other webboard userr if it happens too often!

-If speak with a noob think at that u were a noob once too-


Originally posted by -SpaceJunkie-:
I dont think it's nice if i offer you some help and you don't give me any answer:mad: !
If you were not online since you were posting this topic its okay but plz don't post topics and don't send reply's them afterwards. It might give you much negotations with other webboard userr if it happens too often!

Dude, calm down. You may not, but some people have lives. Jeez... life doesnt revolve round the boards...

Also, type please instead of plz. Seriously, 3 characters more. By my estimation you save about .5 a second of time every time you type plz. Its just annoying...

'It's only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames'
- Harry Hill

My post wasnt meant so bad but i think it is really not ok if you ask somebody to do something and not to send any reply afterwards .
For the other problem i'm chatting really often and there you use shortcuts like u for you and plz for please but im trying to avoid to do it on this webboard because I know that it can be annoying and i know that I shouldn't but it is annoying too if somebody tells me that I shouldn't do and i know exactly that you already saw a post where I wrote u instead of you and you saw too the post where was written that i shouldn't do it.
Of course it's your job as honored leader to do this but I think it's just as annoying for me if I receive such post all the time as it is for you if I write plz instead of please.

-If speak with a noob think at that u were a noob once too-


Originally posted by -SpaceJunkie-:
**For the other problem i'm chatting really often and there you use shortcuts like u for you and plz for please but im trying to avoid to do it on this webboard because I know that it can be annoying and i know that I shouldn't but it is annoying too if somebody tells me that I shouldn't do and i know exactly that you already saw a post where I wrote u instead of you and you saw too the post where was written that i shouldn't do it.
Of course it's your job as honored leader to do this but I think it's just as annoying for me if I receive such post all the time as it is for you if I write plz instead of please.

I chat really often. I've learnt to touch type. It's now faster for me to type you than to type u because I need to break my train of thought to type u. It's also not the easiest key to reach on the keyboard, though better than z in 'plz', whereas please is quite easy to type as the keys are all nice and close to each other.

I suggest you take keyboard classes somewhere. It'll do you good. It'll also allow you to write clear concise posts in less time 🙂

It's also relevant to your signature, because every time I see a post with 'plz', 'u', 'y' etc in it, I think 'there goes another newbie...'. That makes your sig kinda ironic.

(url="http://"")Me, online!(/url)
Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Well thank you you for this remark, it was really helpfull remark and i will immediatly change my signature.

-If speak with a noob think at that u were a noob once too-

Now one week is over and i really think he should have posted a reply to this topic if would had been really interested so if you see this James Talon you can write me an e-mail because it is really annoying if i look after this topic withous seeing any reply of you.
I hope you arent in too much trouble.

-If speak to a newbie remember that you were a newbie once too-
-Chaos is hardly everytime an unfound regularity-
(url="http://"") Having problems with Storylines ? Ships? Outfits? Go here and have a look at what evula can tell you.
Try to type these letters ¤ ? Ś ž ? ? have fun !