Custom Outfits

Hiya, Im new to the whole plugins thing so youll have to bare with me,
basicaly i have completed the 6 strings and want to keep the enjoyment
by 'CHEATING LIKE CRAZY!!' first of all ill let you know im a pc user.

ive been searching round these forums and i cant seem to find anywhere that explains how to make your own outfits. all i want is the odviouls stuff like 'Exchange 0 cargo space for 1000 Tons of space' etc etc basicly so i can tinker my ship to go on a 'Conquest of conquering!!'

Ive got EVNEW but it just baffles me completely! Can anyone help me with this?

Oh one other thing, is there a way to get the Our-Spiel plugin to work from all shipyards?

Cheers guys
Capt'n Rip


I don't know why EVNEW would be so confusing, seems simple to me, of course I have a Mac.
But on a helpful note...
Hopefully there is a menu in EVNEW where you can say create new resource. Make one called outfit or outf or something umluatish like öutf. Anyway, give that a name. Then open it. Find the function field, choose cargo expansion, then in the value field add 1000.
Know what, I'll just make a quick one and send it to you.
Also, look on the EVN add-ons page for something called Skipper Cheat. Pretty good, although cheats aren't really my thing.

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Depression was depressing, but insanity, now that's something I can get really get into!

Not that Im actually going to be adding anything to the discussion, but Ive found that cheating like crazt actually decreases enjoyment rather than increasing it.

I mean wooo... I now have 1 billion billion credits... **** theres nothing I can actually do with them... 😛

And having the most indestructable, heavily armed ship in the game is really fun... for the first 5 minutes, then you realise that the real fun was having an underpowered ship and having to use skill in battle to win 🙂

Try downloading some storyline expansions. Kame's Ronin plug is excellent!


'It's only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames'
- Harry Hill

(This message has been edited by Jules (edited 03-16-2004).)

hmm ill take another look at EVNEW, the skipper cheat is for mac only :frown:

thats a point i will try a couple of new story lines if i can find them for PC, but i would still like to make my own outfits.

i cant have a go till later when i get home from work, but when I do ill keep you posted.



(quote)Originally posted by Captain Ripcord:
**hmm ill take another look at EVNEW, the skipper cheat is for mac only:p
Just have to convert them, as described here (url="http://"")http://homepage.ntlw...s.tosh/convert/(/url)

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")
Stuffit is a piece of .sit.


Originally posted by Jules:
**Not that Im actually going to be adding anything to the discussion, but Ive found that cheating like crazt actually decreases enjoyment rather than increasing it.

I mean wooo... I now have 1 billion billion credits... **** theres nothing I can actually do with them... 😛

And having the most indestructable, heavily armed ship in the game is really fun... for the first 5 minutes, then you realise that the real fun was having an underpowered ship and having to use skill in battle to win 🙂

Try downloading some storyline expansions. Kame's Ronin plug is excellent!



Shhh! Making cheat plugs in a very good way to get started in plug design.

But no one mentioned it already! The Holy Nova Bible is the absolute reference for plug designing. You should have it, read the section that you are interested in (in that case, oütf), and come back to EVNEW.

The (url="http://";=breakdown.html&BREAKDOWN;_SKUID=1480")Ambrosia Mac CD(/url) with other registrations - 5$. Paying for (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url) as it's such a great game - 30$.
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The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things you can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Eurocard Mastercard.

(This message has been edited by Zacha Pedro (edited 03-16-2004).)

wooo big flood of infomation, thats nice to know that you can convert them, there was me scrolling through the plugins going "OOH that one looks good, then I get sad because it ends in .sit" ive started making all manner of cheesey outfits, but I cant find the mass upgrade ive got cargo upgrade but not mass. can one of you lot tell me which it is?



Oh yeah one other thing when making outfits how do you write the description?

EDIT: Lol ive figured this out, and how to add pics.

(This message has been edited by Captain Ripcord (edited 03-16-2004).)

sorry, one other thing is im having trouble converting files, ive downloaded the S7evyn plugin and its .sit.hqx im using stuffit expander 8 because the link on the topic to 7.5 doesent work. I can extract the file but it just come out as S7evyn with no file extension. on the conversion tutorial it says you can change the properties when you extract it but i dont get the option!

could one of you guys either help me to get it to work or send me S7evyn.rez.

Thanks guys


If it is a *.hqx file it doesnt need to have an Extension it just works, i'm on PC and only somtimes it doesnt work, Just try to convert it, I actually find that if the normal way telling Stufit to add the extension doesnt work so i ad *.hqx to it and that works 100%

I took on a Cargo Drone and lost

so do you meand add .hqx and plonk it in the plugins folder or do you mean expand the .hqz and add .rez to what comes out then plonk it in the plugins folder. gettin confused here

