Another nOOb's question

Ummm........ I got a few questions about ResEdit. do you make alternate startup screens?
2.I've written a plugin, but it never seems to have an effect on the EVNova universe.

What am I doing wrong?

Hurrah for ResEdit!

1)Do you mean just a static pretty picture to appear during loading, or the clickable, changing menu screen?

  1. Have you set the type and creator codes so they match other plugs? The tip-off is whether the icon looks like other plugs (good) or is blank or shows a jack-in-the-box (bad).

(url="http://"")Dr. Trowel's E.S.W.P.(/url) -- Featuring Cold Fusion Graphics for EVN Override, and an EVN/O outfit bug fix.
Very Good Stuff: (url="http://"")Dreamwave Studios(/url) (url="http://";=31&SUBMIT;=Go")Bomb's Plug-in Guide(/url) (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url)
Om Noppo Noppo Om!

(This message has been edited by Dr. Trowel (edited 11-01-2003).)

If your talking about the Splashscreen (The picture that shows when the Nova is loading, with the little red progress bar at the bottom) Then all you have to do is make a pic with the resource ID 131. Easy as that.

If you are talking about the screens you get after you start a new pilot, then I have no idea.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain.

1.Yeah- the little screen that has "Ev Nova", the Starbridge'n'Valkyrie flying away, and the little red task bar. Thanks!
2. How do I make it so that the plug doesn't have the blank document or jackinthebox thingy?

Hurrah for ResEdit!


Originally posted by Commandernac:
2. How do I make it so that the plug doesn't have the blank document or jackinthebox thingy?

Get file info... on the file in resedit.
Change type to npif with the two dots over the i.
Chance creator to nova (with .s over the o and the a).
Mutter curses under your breath about how they shouldnt have made it look at type/creator fields.



Originally posted by Commandernac:

2.I've written a plugin, but it never seems to have an effect on the EVNova universe.


You need to open your file, and go to File menu, Get Info for this File command, and change the 1st 4 letter field to Npďf, and the second to Növä. It is probable rsrc and RSED right now.

Hope this helps.




Originally posted by TheRedeemer:
**If you are talking about the screens you get after you start a new pilot, then I have no idea.


Stored originally in Nova Titles, PICTs 8200-8202. I'm not sure if you can make more than three (I've tried, but not after registering), which is a serious pain in the ass since I have 16 paragraphs and space for four on each page. you do the math.

Not that that has anything to do with anything. 🙂

(edit) changed "before" to "after" (/edit)

The programmer's code of etemology: there's always another bug.

(This message has been edited by orcaloverbri9 (edited 11-02-2003).)