mission destinations

So I've been trying to port the old evc plug of Heart of Darkness (the last of the empire series) and its been coming along pretty steady until now that there is a mission problem in it. All the mission computer missions will not go to major governments planets, only minor ones and the few independant worlds. Even setting them to go to Empire worlds makes the missions never appear in the mission computer.

I'll try to list the important information I can think of here.

one thing I can think of that might do this is since most of these systems have visbits set to them, could they not be showing up because these planets will eventually be hidden?

they all are set to not go to Grech'ta planets (govt id 150), seems like this might be useful information for troubleshooting.

they also all aren't to be offered from Raider spobs (govt id 130), more information to that might be needed.


I took a look at the Nova Bible, and here's the only thing I could find:
When Nova selects a random mission destination, it attempts to ensure that the random destination is: a) more than two hyper jumps away from the system where the mission is being offered, and🆒 a stellar which is guaranteed to always exist throughout the course of the game, regardless of system swapping. This means that if you have multiple systems that occupy the same coordinates at different times in the game and not all of them contain stellar object X, no missions will use stellar object X as their random destination. (This is to keep the player from accepting a mission with a random destination that might cease to exist before he gets there!) A further important consequence of this restriction is that if Nova detects that a mission whose TravelStel or ReturnStel is to be randomly selected will violate this rule, it will be prevented from being offered regardless of any other availability parameters the mission might have - i.e. if you create a mission and Nova refuses to make it available, check the debug log to see if the mission couldn't find a suitable nontransient random stellar of the desired characteristics.

Now as I rest my feet by this fire; those hands once warmed here, I have retired them
I can breath my own air, I can sleep more soundly
Upon these poor souls; I'll build heaven and call it home


Originally posted by Mantaray:


that's the problem alright, I can't think of any way around it either without having several inter-changeable plugs (one for each visbit change). Anybody else know of a way around it?
seems like I just wasted two and a half days making adjustments then...