I just want to hear how long, if at all, people have waited for their PoG CD's. I received my order confirmation and license some time last week, and I decided to post here to find out when to expect my cd before pestering Ambrosia directly.

My apologies if I seem annoying and/or impatient.

Proud Owner of: (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evn/")EV Nova(/url), (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/pop-pop/")pop-pop(/url), (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/coldstone/")Coldstone Gaming Engine(/url), and (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/pog/")Pillars of Garendall(/url)
Be Cool, Play (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum;=pop-pop+web+board&number;=67&DaysPrune;=365&LastLogin;=")pop-pop!(/url)
Need (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/news/classifieds.html")help(/url) with your plug-in?

Well, I didnt buy the CD, but they might be busy at the moment. Did they also send you a serial number by e-mail with the CD?

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is


Originally posted by Frisco:
I just want to hear how long, if at all, people have waited for their PoG CD's. I received my order confirmation and license some time last week, and I decided to post here to find out when to expect my cd before pestering Ambrosia directly.

Mr. Frisco,

First, welcome to the boards!

The PoG CDs are sent after your registration is processed, and they are sent via parcel post which can take 7-10 business days. Start counting the day that you received your license code, and count monday-saturday(not sunday) to guesstimate when your CD will arrive. If you don't see it within 2 weeks or when you receive your code, then send an e-mail to help@ambrosiasw.com and cc a copy to lostcodes@ambrosiasw.com. Include your name, address, when you placed your order, and which product your ordered(PoG). Tell them you asked for the CD and have not received it yet, and they will be able to track the order down for you.

Finally a few things of note: The PoG CD does not contain the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/trinity_plugin.sit?path=pog/essentials&file;=trinity_plugin.sit")Trinity plug-in(/url)(I don't think) nor the (url="http://"http://www.donshonda.com/pog/Movies.sit")PoG movies(/url). If you want either of these then make sure you download them from the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/pog/addons.html")addons(/url) page.

Feel free to ask any questions that you may have regarding the game, and we'll try to answer them for you.


(edit) Bad UBB code (/edit)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 03-20-2003).)

Actually, it does contain Trinity, and I believe it has the movies, though I have not seen those yet.

Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
-Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.


Originally posted by Rawzer:
Actually, it does contain Trinity, and I believe it has the movies, though I have not seen those yet.

It does have Trinity? I couldn't remember.

It doesn't have the movies, of that I am certain. It says it has the movies, but the directory is empty.

(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)

Hehe, thanks Stark, I didn't have 7-10 business days in mind. I'll just wait for the time being.

I downloaded Trinity, but I was expecting to get the movies as part of the $5.00 (I think it's 5) paid for the CD. :frown:


Perhaps the movies could put added onto the next edition of the Ambrosia CD? I believe the current version of the Ambrosia CD is 7, which I received after I bough EV Nova a while ago.

On a slow modem connection like mine, downloading those movies could take several hours.


(This message has been edited by Frisco (edited 03-20-2003).)


Originally posted by Frisco:
**Hehe, thanks Stark, I didn't have 7-10 business days in mind. I'll just wait for the time being.

I downloaded Trinity, but I was expecting to get the movies as part of the $5.00 (I think it's 5) paid for the CD. **

Yep. That was a goof up that was never fixed. I finally managed to get approval to offer the movies for download((url="http://"http://www.donshonda.com/pog/Movies.sit")here(/url)) so that people can view them. Otherwise, the only way to view the movies is to purchase Coldstone, as the Coldstone CD contains an unregistered copy of PoG plus the movies.

(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)


Originally posted by Frisco:
Perhaps the movies could put added onto the next edition of the Ambrosia CD? I believe the current version of the Ambrosia CD is 7, which I received after I bough EV Nova a while ago.

Should have been, but weren't.

Btw, if you have the ASW CD, you have PoG on it. The PoG CD is just another ASW demo CD which contains all of their games. So you didn't need to order another just for PoG.


On a slow modem connection like mine, downloading those movies could take several hours.

Yep. If you aren't paying long distance or hourly charges, just set your computer up at night to grab the file. It is 50MB, so at 33.6 you should get it in something like 10 hours or so. I don't remember the exact conversion rate.

If you can't/don't want to do that, you can drop me e-mail and we can discuss my burning the movies to a CD and mailing it to you. I'm not sure I'm real interested in doing it, but we can discuss it if you'd like.

(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**Btw, if you have the ASW CD, you have PoG on it. The PoG CD is just another ASW demo CD which contains all of their games. So you didn't need to order another just for PoG.


Oh well, there goes my money.



Originally posted by Frisco:
Oh well, there goes my money.

Heh. It's worth a shot to fire off an e-mail to help@ambrosiasw.com ASAP. Explain the situation and, if they haven't already sent the CD, should be able to cancel that portion of the order and refund your $5.

(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**Btw... (The usual of Stark being right)


Anywho, my CD arrived in two weeks, but if you use a PC I'm not sure if the CD will work. It didn't work for me because there was a problem and the CDs only contained the Mac version of the game, although it's probably been resolved by now (this happened over the summer).

Back on topic, my CD, using Stark's method of counting days, arrived in about one dozen days. I hope my somehow indirectly related post helped Frisco, good luck! 😉

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.