Could someone shed some light on how to...

create within a mission, multiple text boxes without creating a new mission....

The only example of such a thing in the game that I can think of right now, is the bounty hunter mission where you have to pull the traitor off of the station, and there are like, 3 text boxes detailing the chase.... Sadly I have something I want to put into the mission that's more than 1024 characters... but it won't let me, (or I can't figure out how to) place multiple description files into one portion of the mission...

The only way I can see how to do it is to create a mission to take you to the planet... then have it autofollow with another mission you can't refuse to cover the rest of the boxes... which, I have an ugly feeling, is what the boys at ambrosia did... which I could do, I suppose... it just requires a bit of shuffling seeing as I already have other missions with other mission bits... and the works... (ok realistically it's like, 5 minutes work... but com'n... gimme a break...)

If anyone has an idea for me.... that would be nice...

Beware the Rabid Squirrels.

you can put three in one mission by making it auto abort and having one desc fro the accept box, one for the breifing and one for the abort.


You could add zero quantity cargo and use the loading and offloading texts.

I was disorientedly changing my body orientation in a clockwise direction while simulateously expressing my appreciation of mikee's humor and watching my posterior disconnect -- ElG7

You could have the OnSuccess field of the 1st mission actually start the 2nd mission (the Sxxx tag, I believe). Then it would appear immediately. Have the 2nd mission be "Can't Refuse", and have the OnAccept field abort (Axxx) the 2nd mission and start the 3rd mission (if you need it).


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"

Yeah.... that's what I figured.... too bad there isn't another way.... maybe in the next EV game they'll let us have more than one Desc file to a string...

Beware the Rabid Squirrels.


Originally posted by Duriel:
**Yeah.... that's what I figured.... too bad there isn't another way.... maybe in the next EV game they'll let us have more than one Desc file to a string...


What's wrong with what they suggested? They all work.

"Damn, everybody wants something up their ass today! Yeah, I'm cool like that." - forge


Originally posted by Duriel:
**Yeah.... that's what I figured.... too bad there isn't another way.... maybe in the next EV game they'll let us have more than one Desc file to a string...


Nova was the last EV game, thus, no more EV games will be released. Unless Matt Burch suddenly gets a brain mutation from some malicious alien.

I would go with the cargo quantity way. Pretty simple, if you ask me.

May those who love us, love us, and may those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping.
(url="http://"")Monster Studios(/url) - (url="http://"")Caribbean(/url)

you could make a picture of some of the additional text and display that along with the rest if your really cramped for space and dont want to use the fancy methods of auto aborting and starting missions

(url="http://"")Cheat 2(/url)
Cheat any way you want in almost any mac game. Even Nova.