a farscape plug?

anyone seen farscape? its the only sci-fi series i can stand, i like it a lot, and i always thought it would make an interesting plug..... so are there any projects, something?


I've always wanted a Farscape plug. That would be tight.

(url="http://"http://www.savefarscape.com")Save Farscape!(/url)

Ive always wanted one too, but no one seems to have wanted to make one :frown: I would want to make one, but am too busy at the moment to concider it.


(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/ewan/")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"http://dreamwave.evula.net")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.northernswamp.com")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

It would be really good, maybe someday, someone out there will decide to make one. We live in hope.


-"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." Socrates 460-399 BC. Some things never change!
-'Politics? It becomes a lot more than just politics as soon as people start dying'
- Warning - Do not attempt to operate a Spaceship while under the influence of Alcohol

Instead of wishing that someone would make one, why don't you try? It saves all the trouble of not knowing if and when it'll get done... well... sorta.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Instead of wishing that someone would make one, why don't you try? It saves all the trouble of not knowing if and when it'll get done... well... sorta.



Well I can't speak for the others, but I'm still struggling with trying to put a ship I designed into Nova (don't laugh) so I don't think im overly qualified to make a TC. Well not at the moment anyway.


-"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." Socrates 460-399 BC. Some things never change!
-'Politics? It becomes a lot more than just politics as soon as people start dying'
- Warning - Do not attempt to operate a Spaceship while under the influence of Alcohol

I considered doing this, but I trashed the idea because of two reasons:

  1. I don't have too much experience and knowledge about the Farscape universe (for some reason, there doesn't seem to exist as much information in the internet as about Babylon 5, Startrek or Starwars). I also can't watch it too often, because I'm not always able to receive the chanel. And it doesn't seem to be transmitted at the moment.
  2. I only have two Farscape meshes, the Moya and the Winona pulse pistol (without trigger). And my modelling skills are not good enough to create any of those ships.

I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets. -Dave Edison

The only problem with Farscape is that it was all about running away. It seemed that once per season the cast would get a new ship to play with. But even then, those ships had all thier powers and weapons built in. There wouldn't be much trading. Talon helped for ship to ship combat and there was that ship of Dargo's.

Are you guys more interested in the Farscape Universe than the ships from the show(Moya)? That would be more feasable.

Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I am paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."

If anyone decided to do make a farscape plug, I dont think you could really base it on John Creighton and Moya, like in the program, because the lack of ships and weapons would just make people not want to play it. (remember, Moya never had any weapons, just a stolen defence grid) If you made it so you started as either a Peacekeeper, or a Scarren (sp?) And go up through the ranks, starting in a Prowler doing little missions and going up to a Marauder, and then finally getting to the big bad-ass Battle cruiser thing. Can't remember exactly what it was called. 🙂 man that's a cool ship. Then, you could write in some missions where you have to track down Moya. You could also have a fight on talon. You could apply some artistic liscence and create new ships, but make them inkeeping with the rest of the species ships.

Ah well, just a few ideas there to keep the topic alive. Anyone got anymore?


-"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." Socrates 460-399 BC. Some things never change!
-'Politics? It becomes a lot more than just politics as soon as people start dying'
- Warning - Do not attempt to operate a Spaceship while under the influence of Alcohol

(This message has been edited by TheRedeemer (edited 04-28-2003).)


Originally posted by TheRedeemer:
**...finally getting to the big bad-ass Battle cruiser thing. Can't remember exactly what it was called.:) man that's a cool ship.


It's called a Command Carrier.

I personally think Talyn is one of the tightest ships ever dreamed up.

Like Evar!

It’d be cool to have a mission string where you’re the captain of a young hybrid gunship. With the use of some crons you could have it slowly grow up on you too.

Very OT but there's some OS X Farscape icons (url="http://"http://home.earthlink.net/~cydonia23/")here(/url).

(url="http://"http://www.savefarscape.com")Save Farscape!(/url)

(This message has been edited by Trigger-Happy Slig (edited 04-28-2003).)


Originally posted by Arion:
**I considered doing this, but I trashed the idea because of two reasons:

  1. I don't have too much experience and knowledge about the Farscape universe (for some reason, there doesn't seem to exist as much information in the internet as about Babylon 5, Startrek or Starwars). I also can't watch it too often, because I'm not always able to receive the chanel. And it doesn't seem to be transmitted at the moment.
  2. I only have two Farscape meshes, the Moya and the Winona pulse pistol (without trigger). And my modelling skills are not good enough to create any of those ships.

Ooh! Ooh! Could you send me the Moya model? Please please please please please!!!


(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/ewan/")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"http://dreamwave.evula.net")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.northernswamp.com")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"


Originally posted by Jules:
**Ooh! Ooh! Could you send me the Moya model? Please please please please please!!!



I was thinking the same thing. What format is it in?

(url="http://"http://www.savefarscape.com")Save Farscape!(/url)


Originally posted by Trigger-Happy Slig:
**It's called a Command Carrier.

I personally think Talyn is one of the tightest ships ever dreamed up.

Like Evar!

It’d be cool to have a mission string where you’re the captain of a young hybrid gunship. With the use of some crons you could have it slowly grow up on you too.

Very OT but there's some OS X Farscape icons here.

Don't forget Ka Da'Argo's ship. I missed a few episodes when I thought the a season was over but that thing was fantastic once he learded to fly it. The only thing is you'd have to start out the game as a Luxan. That option does exist doesn't it? Change the character options? If you played a Luxan, you might start with a generic ship, but get a chance to find one of those Luxan ships. Play a specific race and you start out with a specific path.

But I'd like to know more about that mesh too.


Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I am paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."


Originally posted by Trigger-Happy Slig:
**I was thinking the same thing. What format is it in?


i would like a copy too :D, if it is in a format i can use.

The plug would have to be done being the player a regular person in the farscape universe, theres no way to make it be crichton, it would be way too boring. and maybe you could run into crichton every once in a while, and choose between helping him, putting you agaisnt virtually everyone......
