Andromeda Plugin

I am sure many of you are aware of the sci-fi show Andromeda. Awhile back I felt that this would be good plugin material, first just for the ship, and then for a TC. So, I looked back in the posts, and found one over a year old saying that they would make one, but nothing since. As it so happens I would like to create this plugin. I already know how hard the graphics will be to make, as a friend of mine has been working on the Andromeda for quite some time, but I will need other graphics people to work on the multitude of other ships in the show.

So, the main question is: is someone already working on this (and just keeping it to themselves), and if not, is anybody willing to support me in this? Questions/Comments?


It's been discussed a few times, but as far as I know (remember: Your Mileage May Vary), nothing's ever come of it. You would do good to check the Upcoming Plug-Ins page, though. Good luck; I'd like to see this one come out.

Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."

Well, thanks for the reply. I did check upcoming Plugins, and there is nothing there to that effect. So, I am definitely going ahead. As soon as I get the e-mail and the web page set up I will post in the upcoming plugs page.

I will need some assistance, so whoever wants to be on the Dev team (which has yet to be named) just post here for now.


I might be able to help with a bit of the graphics. It's all pretty much based on how tired I am at any given point in time. I do have the entire first season of Andromeda on DVD, so I at least have source material for the graphics that would be needed.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. (Hopefully you are not put off by the fact that a friend of mine is already working on the Andromeda ) There are plenty of ships to work on (arguably cooler ones). I'm glad a graphics person is "on board"

Good News: Another friend of mine, owner of (url="http://"") and (url="http://"") has offered to set up the web page and a forum. As soon as I set up my new e-mail (and get a name for the Dev Team) this show will be on the road! 🙂

Edit: Forgot to mention that this plugin is for EVN for the third time-forced to edit

(This message has been edited by Delta Saiph (edited 04-06-2003).)


Originally posted by Delta Saiph:
**Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. (Hopefully you are not put off by the fact that a friend of mine is already working on the Andromeda ) There are plenty of ships to work on (arguably cooler ones). I'm glad a graphics person is "on board"

Good News: Another friend of mine, owner of and has offered to set up the web page and a forum. As soon as I set up my new e-mail (and get a name for the Dev Team) this show will be on the road! 🙂

Edit: Forgot to mention that this plugin is for EVN for the third time-forced to edit

(This message has been edited by Delta Saiph (edited 04-06-2003).)**

Does your friend know that orthogonal views of the Andromeda model can be downloaded from (url="http://"") If you want any screenshots of ships and whatnot (that I might not be able to do), just ask. Currently as long as it's from the first season. I'm just glad that they're releasing DVDs because I missed a lot of the second season and I can't wait. Anyway, when I get around to it (I'm working on two or three small projects right now), I could probably do the Nietzschean warships/fighters. Maybe a couple of the independent raiders. The Maru'd be fun.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 04-07-2003).)

Very good. This is starting to take shape. In a couple of days a simple (and I mean simple) web page will be up (I just coded it today), and I'll get around to the e-mail soon. We will be operating under the name "Point Singularity Productions". However, people are still needed for the Dev Team. Specifically I need someone who "likes" doing s˙sts and spöbs. Of course any other help is welcome, as I don't want to be the only one involved.


Andromeda: such a good idea for a show ruined by turning the aliens more human and making the fight scenes like something from Zena. Sigh

"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson


Originally posted by seant:
**Andromeda: such a good idea for a show ruined by turning the aliens more human and making the fight scenes like something from Zena. Sigh


Quite true, but I still want one of those quarterstaff things that he had... That thing was cool...

Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."


Originally posted by seant:
**Andromeda: such a good idea for a show ruined by turning the aliens more human and making the fight scenes like something from Zena. Sigh


Heh. I can't even follow the plot anymore. There's just too many bad guys and too little explanation. I'll have to try out this plug when it's finished so I can understand the show again!

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< . . . . . >

Out of curiousity, what is the word on the legality of all of these show inspired plugs? Are they allowed merely because it is fan fiction that is distributed freely, or do we just assume that we are so small no one will notice us?

"Damn, everybody wants something up their ass today! Yeah, I'm cool like that." - forge

About the legal word on show related plugs, I am pretty sure that as long as we do not profit from the plugin, it serves solely as promotion for the show, as long as we reference concepts, ideas, and stories to the proper people, so they have no problem with it. Of course, if these plugins were sold for money, the people who owned the concept would be in for a cut (royalties).

Anyways, the new e-mail is (which is coincidentally what my profile e-mail is going to be changed to), and my friend says that he will have the web page and forums up by the end of the week, so I'll post those addresses as well. Anyway, I am still looking for someone enthusiastic about s˙sts and spöbs, as a rather humourous experience has forever(or until I get a credit card or license to drive to the post office) doomed me to never use EVONE ever again. (Starting 29 days from now).

And yes, I wish I had a Force Lance too. (Maybe an outfit that functions somewhat like a marine platoon?)



Originally posted by Delta Saiph:
**Anyway, I am still looking for someone enthusiastic about s˙sts and spöbs, as a rather humourous experience has forever(or until I get a credit card or license to drive to the post office) doomed me to never use EVONE ever again. (Starting 29 days from now).

And yes, I wish I had a Force Lance too. (Maybe an outfit that functions somewhat like a marine platoon?)


Not a Marine Platoon, but something that enhances your chance of capturing (instead of adding to your crew). This is the same thing as the Handblaster Upgrade in Extra Outfits.

Let me guess... You have the money, but you have no way of sending it in?

Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."


Originally posted by spacecowboy:
Let me guess... You have the money, but you have no way of sending it in?

Yes. I have loads of money. I make little but I hardly spend anything anyways, so it doesn't matter. That is why over a year ago I postponed being forced by Captain Hector to register EVN by turning back the clock until I was able to convince my mother to let me use her credit card. The same technique on EVONE produces a very humourous message about time machines and living in the past. 🙂 I'll just have to convince her sooner this time. Anyways, my offer still stands (I don't know if I will have time to mess around with those resources, EVONE or otherwise.)


Ah, Andromeda, my favorite show of all time. The first time I missed taping the season premiere of season two I cried my eyes out because I wanted it so bad. (You know, the second one with the Magog) I'd be extremely happy to beta test, but I don't know squat about programming. And some suggestions for weapons: PDLs, (Point Defense Lasers) They could be like the quad light blaster turrets or something, just targeting missles, POLs (Point Offense Lasers) Then could be just like the regular blasters and could be a turret too. Defensive Missles, Close range, but high damaging missles. Offensive Missle, Long range, but not as much damage. Also, maybe and upgraded forclance could be an outfit something like the neutron blaster. Just a huge force lance fit on your ship. Graphics for that could be something like the blue pulses on the Elejeecian cruisers, only red. Just some ideas.

That wedge of cheese
can't hurt anyone! So
don't dread it - it even
says not to


Originally posted by disco:
**Ah, Andromeda, my favorite show of all time. The first time I missed taping the season premiere of season two I cried my eyes out because I wanted it so bad. (You know, the second one with the Magog) I'd be extremely happy to beta test, but I don't know squat about programming. And some suggestions for weapons: PDLs, (Point Defense Lasers) They could be like the quad light blaster turrets or something, just targeting missles, POLs (Point Offense Lasers) Then could be just like the regular blasters and could be a turret too. Defensive Missles, Close range, but high damaging missles. Offensive Missle, Long range, but not as much damage. Also, maybe and upgraded forclance could be an outfit something like the neutron blaster. Just a huge force lance fit on your ship. Graphics for that could be something like the blue pulses on the Elejeecian cruisers, only red. Just some ideas.


I might be able to do some graphics as well (that multi-missile submunition thing was cool). Again, we'll have to see.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Actually, although we will need the various weapon graphics, the actual weapon that fires is often very similar to the ones already in the game (of course a lot of the time it is not). In the last episode I saw, the Slipfighters were shooting a weapon that looked exactly like a Fusion Pulse Cannon... Just food for thought. 🙂
Edit: disco, if you are interested in doing the background research give me an e-mail, because as interesting as it may be, I simply don't have time to do the research myself.

(This message has been edited by Delta Saiph (edited 04-08-2003).)


Originally posted by Delta Saiph:
**Actually, although we will need the various weapon graphics, the actual weapon that fires is often very similar to the ones already in the game (of course a lot of the time it is not). In the last episode I saw, the Slipfighters were shooting a weapon that looked exactly like a Fusion Pulse Cannon... Just food for thought.:) **

While it is a nice thought to be able to re-use weapon graphics, it's usually pretty obvious, unfortunately. We could probably re-use explosion graphics, but weapons are really easy to make, so I doubt it'd be a problem.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

On the subject of copyrighted material:

I'm operating under the assumption that, as long as these are freeware projects that contain all the proper "Property of Xxxxxxxxx Studios, all rights reserved, used without express permission and not intended to infringe upon their rights as protected by law" notices, they should be okay.

I haven't received any "Cease and Desist" notices from Paramount yet.

Did y'all know that Andromeda was originally an idea Roddenberry had for a Star Trek series after TNG, with the Kevin Sorbo character being a Starfleet Captain from the Kirk/Spock era?

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It is better to feed the goat than it is today.


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**While it is a nice thought to be able to re-use weapon graphics, it's usually pretty obvious, unfortunately. We could probably re-use explosion graphics, but weapons are really easy to make, so I doubt it'd be a problem.


Thats good. The obvious part hadn't really crossed my mind (despite being so obvious!). It just comes from a guy who can't do any graphics, so I had hunted around for graphics I could reuse if I could find nobody to make them. So, I suppose we'll just see what we need (and how much time we have). Thanks again Matrix.

And to everyone, I'm still looking for someone good with spöbs and s˙sts, so just give me an e-mail if you can help out with this or anything else.
