express your opinions

It's very difficult to create something that other people are gonna like. For instance you can get together with some friends and make something that you think is really great and funny, and entertaining. Yet when other people look at, because they haven't been involved in the creative process, they are unable find anything special about it at all.

No matter what your creating, be it drama skits, or artworks, or films, or even Escape Velocity Nova plugs this big rule applies: people might not like what your making.

My TC, which suprisingly is comming along quite well, needs a reviewing, people need to tell me what they think about what I'm doing, so I can see if what i'm doing is worthwhile, and so I can get some constructive criticism and make what I'm doing better and more appealing to other people.

So check out this link (its here and below): (url="http://"")3114: A Nova TC(/url), and tell me what you think.

I have recieved some criticism and compliments from various people, and although however few, they do help alot.

The galaxy is about to become apocalyptic: (url="http://"")3114:A Nova TC(/url)

it looks quite cool. I hope there are more ships then the one you put up but I'm assuming they're just the ones you have made so far. That aside it looks very nice. Those planet graphics are great stuff. Very impressive.
If you want any help with programming then e-mail me at or reply to this message.

Hey! If I want cheesey poofs, I'll get cheesey poofs!
-Eric Cartman Law Enforcer
"Respect my Authorita!"

(This message has been edited by Starbridge42 (edited 03-27-2003).)

You might want to try proofreading your story and chronology. Free word advice: astronaut does not contain any "g"s or "h"s.

"Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"-Pink Floyd
"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice." -Baruch Spinoza
Russell for President 2020!


Originally posted by Russell Quintero:
You might want to try proofreading your story and chronology. Free word advice: astronaut does not contain any "g"s or "h"s.

Well maybe not the way YOU spell astronaught 🙂

Last time I actually went through the site I thought it was quite intriguing.

(edit) Just as an afterthought, and I doubt you would, but don't base what you do with your plug with what people say here. You might get a good response and get some helpful criticism, or you might not. Regardless, I think all of us here would agree that the more TC's the better and would encourage you to keep pluggin away. If you like the idea, chances are you're not the only one.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")RONIN(/url) - A new breed of Bounty Hunter

(This message has been edited by Kame (edited 03-27-2003).)


Originally posted by Kame:
**(edit) Just as an afterthought, and I doubt you would, but don't base what you do with your plug with what people say here. You might get a good response and get some helpful criticism, or you might not. Regardless, I think all of us here would agree that the more TC's the better and would encourage you to keep pluggin away. If you like the idea, chances are you're not the only one.


Very important point. Which is why I just commented on proofreading, an all too often overlooked part of development.

"Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"-Pink Floyd
"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice." -Baruch Spinoza
Russell for President 2020!

Looks nice. Can't wait to see it released!

I'm glad you're not being squeemish about terrorism. I'm sure a lot of people are starting to look at terrorism as middle-eastern Muslims killing Americans for no reason.

May those who love us, love us, and may those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping.
(url="http://"")Monster Studios(/url) - (url="http://"")Caribbean(/url)

Yeah, proof reading is very important, and I had a great deal of trouble spelling astranaut (is that how it is spelt) - the damned spell checker couldn't figure it out either.

I want to make the plugin have various connections with things that are going on in the world today - such as the war with Iraq, and terrorism. I think if people can relate to various events in the plugs story it would be much better.

Thanks for your advice and help.

Starbridge42 would you be interested in proof reading.

The galaxy is about to become apocalyptic: (url="http://"")3114:A Nova TC(/url)


Originally posted by thedecline:
Yeah, proof reading is very important, and I had a great deal of trouble spelling astranaut (is that how it is spelt)

It's spelled "astronaut." It sounds like you have a very good story going, and your work is coming along well. If you want, I can proofread and critique story-lines.

"Damn, everybody wants something up their ass today! Yeah, I'm cool like that." - forge