Char resource lack-of-conflict on conflicting resource id...

I had two plugs loaded.

Plug A has a char resource 128 called "Star"
Plug B has a char resource 128 called "NULL"

I named the plugs so B would actually be loaded by the engine before A.

When I create a new pilot, however, I actually get to choose whether the new pilot would be a "Star" or a "NULL".

Shouldn't only one of the two (namely "Star" since it's loaded later) be available?

This is with 1.0.4, but running on an emulator, so might just be a quirk of the emulator. can someone who uses a real mac double check on this issue?

Pan Sola, Eater of Snacks

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to
Making a TC based on J.R.R. Tolkein's works. (url="http://"")http://www.ev-nova.n...topic.php?t=935(/url)

Why do you need the null char resource if you don't want it to show up?

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Originally posted by Mantaray:
**Why do you need the null char resource if you don't want it to show up?


Mostly as a quick verification that when the resources in two plugs conflict, that the one with "Star" will win as opposed to "Null" will win. It's a quick warning sign that the plugs aren't being loaded in the order I want them to be.

Besides, if resource conflict isn't handled correctly in char, that might be an indication that it's possible other resources might have a similar problem.

Of course, I still haven't received verifications from ppl using real macs to see if the problem is universal or just with emulators. The emulator has been known to do weird things with escorts.

Pan Sola, Eater of Snacks

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to
Making a TC based on J.R.R. Tolkein's works. (url="http://"")http://www.ev-nova.n...topic.php?t=935(/url)

Well, Pan, I did a quick check of my own- and it seems that yes, the char resources do not conflict. Even on a Real™ Mac. Couldn't tell you why, unless internally MCB programmed the resource loader differently. This would actually explain the old bug where it was impossible to override the default Trader char. Hmmm.

Anyway, I've always thought one of the tricks to plugmaking was to avoid conflicts, and that this being so, the order in which the files are loaded shouldn't matter. But whatever you're up to, let us know! I'm exceedingly curious now...



Originally posted by Masamune:
**Well, Pan, I did a quick check of my own- and it seems that yes, the char resources do not conflict. Even on a Real™ Mac. Couldn't tell you why, unless internally MCB programmed the resource loader differently. This would actually explain the old bug where it was impossible to override the default Trader char. Hmmm.

Anyway, I've always thought one of the tricks to plugmaking was to avoid conflicts, and that this being so, the order in which the files are loaded shouldn't matter. But whatever you're up to, let us know! I'm exceedingly curious now...


Well, since I am making a TC, I need all these (NULL) resources to overwrite things in Nova (especially crons, syst, and misn). There are so many of them right now, that when I load up mission computer with cartographer, it can become quite slow (emulator...). So I put all the (null) stuff in a different files. But then I was worried that if I creat a new resource in my TC, but forgot to remove a (null) in the other file, depending on the order things load, the resource I add might not show up. That's why I figure I'll use a char resource as the fastest way to check on conflict-resolution.

Nothing fancy, sorry to disappoint you d-:

Pan Sola, Eater of Snacks

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to
Making a TC based on J.R.R. Tolkein's works. (url="http://"")http://www.ev-nova.n...topic.php?t=935(/url)


Originally posted by Pan Sola:
**That's why I figure I'll use a char resource as the fastest way to check on conflict-resolution.
Pan Sola, Eater of Snacks


Try testing it out with outfits or ships. These two are not new resources, so their resource loaders are not likely different from before, and they are easily checked if you make both ships always purchasable anywhere.

As a way around this all, once you have finished your plug, you can copy all of the NULLs above the ID of your last resource into your main plug.

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Originally posted by Pan Sola:
**I had two plugs loaded.

Plug A has a char resource 128 called "Star"
Plug B has a char resource 128 called "NULL"

I named the plugs so B would actually be loaded by the engine before A.

When I create a new pilot, however, I actually get to choose whether the new pilot would be a "Star" or a "NULL".

Shouldn't only one of the two (namely "Star" since it's loaded later) be available?

This is with 1.0.4, but running on an emulator, so might just be a quirk of the emulator. can someone who uses a real mac double check on this issue?

Pan Sola, Eater of Snacks


That is really, really odd. It pretty well goes against everything the EV games have done in terms of resource overlapping. I'll have to look into this..


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."


Originally posted by Russell Quintero:
**As a way around this all, once you have finished your plug, you can copy all of the NULLs above the ID of your last resource into your main plug.


Well, the point is for while I'm working on the plug... d-: And it's more than just the highest ID of resource I use, since I skip in numbers (makes systems easier to find because I use some grouping)

THanks anyways (-:

Pan Sola, Eater of Snacks

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to
Making a TC based on J.R.R. Tolkein's works. (url="http://"")http://www.ev-nova.n...topic.php?t=935(/url)

You are going to have memory problems, or cause them for people with smaller machines.

Version 1.0.4 has the Nova app set for 80 meg, and this is not enough for a TC enacted as a plug (or plugs). Check your debuglog. The load for the ship sprites should be 15 meg less than the space available, or you will start getting low memory messages during game play, when you leave a planet.

If you are making a total conversion and overriding the normal Nova resources, the best way to make it work is the replace the standard Nova files. This will only require one load of the resources instead of two.

On the char resource, this has been changing around in the engine. Originally the 128 '.Trader' resource always showed up unless you changed it. (i.e. if you only added additional char resources). In 1.0.3 If you added char resources (i.e. 129, 130, etc.) the 128 resource did not appear when you started the game. Haven't tested it out in 1.0.4 yet.



Originally posted by JohnnyAndrews:
**You are going to have memory problems, or cause them for people with smaller machines.

Version 1.0.4 has the Nova app set for 80 meg, and this is not enough for a TC enacted as a plug (or plugs). Check your debuglog. The load for the ship sprites should be 15 meg less than the space available, or you will start getting low memory messages during game play, when you leave a planet.

If you are making a total conversion and overriding the normal Nova resources, the best way to make it work is the replace the standard Nova files. This will only require one load of the resources instead of two.

On the char resource, this has been changing around in the engine. Originally the 128 '.Trader' resource always showed up unless you changed it. (i.e. if you only added additional char resources). In 1.0.3 If you added char resources (i.e. 129, 130, etc.) the 128 resource did not appear when you started the game. Haven't tested it out in 1.0.4 yet.


Well, my current TC contains no graphics whatsoever, and I give EVN 196mb of ram to run, so I don't see memory as a problem. Especially considering right now all my ship, outf, weap, and graphics are still using that of EVN, since I'm still in early development of the map, it simply takes too much work to replace the Nova data files. At least during the current stage of my plug.

As for your comment on the char resource, I don't see a direct connection between your comments and the situation I'm running into, since I have two plug files both overriding resource 128, and you only comment on using 129+.

Pan Sola, Eater of Snacks

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to
Making a TC based on J.R.R. Tolkein's works. (url="http://"")http://www.ev-nova.n...topic.php?t=935(/url)