Plycon is SLOW!

Hey, is anyone doing a plug for Polycon EV that makes the ships/weapons faster? I mean, what's up with taking, like, 45 seconds to get from the planet out of the gravity well? If anyone is (or has), please direct me to it. If not, I'm making one myself!

Thank you for your time, effort and brainpower.


Surely you must be joking, Mr. Feinman!


Originally posted by R.Daneel:
**Hey, is anyone doing a plug for Polycon EV that makes the ships/weapons faster? I mean, what's up with taking, like, 45 seconds to get from the planet out of the gravity well? If anyone is (or has), please direct me to it. If not, I'm making one myself!

Thank you for your time, effort and brainpower.



One usually doesn't land on the Union Pulsar, except for the probe mission. I actually found getting out in a (whatever the little dark longish box w/ 40 tons of cargo space is called) not too difficult.

I'm president of the United States and I refuse to eat broccoli! - George H. W. Bush
Life is short. Eat dessert first.
Unconventional Dictionary:
•ghoti (FISH)

Um . . . yeah. I meant to say that the SHIPS are TOO SLOW! It's not the planet (I do know about the pulsar-they used the gravity field in the Nova Engine-very cool), it's the SPEED of the SHIPS! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the plug, but I've had to cheat to get a decent ship because it just takes forever to GET anyplace.

Surely you must be joking, Mr. Feinman!

Why not just use caps lock?

While preparing dinner, Edna accidentally opens a can of whoopass.

Dude, 'cause then the weapons (lasers, meson, thermal etc.) are too FAST. I think the missles and ships should be faster, but I don't want to speed up the whole game.

Surely you must be joking, Mr. Feinman!


Originally posted by R.Daneel:
**Dude, 'cause then the weapons (lasers, meson, thermal etc.) are too FAST. I think the missles and ships should be faster, but I don't want to speed up the whole game.


Well then...
live with it, boy!!

Here's how to speed up the ships you want:
Download (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url) and (url="http://"")ResEdit(/url) (Install NovaTools - instructions are included in the NovaTools download, do a search on this board for "Installing NovaTools" for more information)
Open up Polycon in ResEdit
Copy all the shďp resources that you wish were faster and paste them into a new ResEdit document
Edit each shďp's speed form editfield thing
Choose File > Get Info on ____
Change the type field to Npďf and the Creator field to Növä.
Click okay
Save it, dadio.

If you already know all this, then you may call "Mr. Stupid Poopypants."

I would do it myself except that there are some minor details to be considered. Like the fact that I do not have Polycon EV on my computer.

While preparing dinner, Edna accidentally opens a can of whoopass.

And it's called cheating. 🙂
Plus, the ships get faster and the weapons suddenly can't hit them, I foresee a few problems there.


I dub thee Sir Poopypants, knight of the excessive desire to help.

And I'm not talking about making the ships insanely fast, just, like 50 pts. each. So that the carryall doesn't take twice as long to get out of the system as a Leviathan.

Surely you must be joking, Mr. Feinman!

Instead of altering every single ship you could just make an outfit that increases turning, accel, and max speed that you could buy and sell for free. It would be alittle bit more of a pain in-game but it would save alot of work.

Why not? | (url="http://"") | (url="http://";=26")The Search Function(/url) | (url="http://"") FFF (/url) | (url="http://"")Good Lord of the Rings(/url)
Momentum Team: Freelancer and Official Tester
The Ancients: There coming and nothing can stop them
The Nova Expansion: coming soon


Originally posted by AfterBlast:
**Instead of altering every single ship you could just make an outfit that increases turning, accel, and max speed that you could buy and sell for free. It would be alittle bit more of a pain in-game but it would save alot of work.


Actually, there is already one: the Jump Modification. You can get it 6 times for INSANE speeds.

I'm president of the United States and I refuse to eat broccoli! - George H. W. Bush
Life is short. Eat dessert first.
Unconventional Dictionary:
•ghoti (FISH)

And has anyone noticed that you can like double the shielding on wimpy ships for less than 100K? (You can buy a lot of shield whatevertheyares, and they're only 30K).



Originally posted by R.Daneel:
**Dude, 'cause then the weapons (lasers, meson, thermal etc.) are too FAST. I think the missles and ships should be faster, but I don't want to speed up the whole game.


Their is an easier way to speed up the ships I got a plug-in that does that, and it is free, to speed up ships, plus you can get extra weapons or mount a turret or two extra plus four extra cannon, plus faster shield recharge, all these items are free. You will allso increase the shield without paying 30k to do it.
To R Daneel send an E-mail to and I will send you the plug-in just don't tell anyone about the plug-in.

If you answer a silly question, you are just as silly as the person who asked it. Give a silly answer to a silly queston, and the one who asked it will realize that he's not as smart as he thinks.
A leech has two daughters, and both are named "Give me!"

(This message has been edited by NSA man (edited 12-29-2002).)


I dub thee Sir Poopypants, knight of the excessive desire to help.

What honor! What prestige!
/me desperately tries to remember what he was smoking when he wrote his last post

...Actually, I'd prefer it if you'd call me Archibald Henrington Nastyface, but Sir Poopypants will suffice for the moment.


just don't tell anyone about the plug-in.

I would say that it seems you've just told everyone.


Well, I'm back from New York City, if anyone noticed my absence... what the heck happened? What's this lightbulb thingy? when was this instigated? Any other dreadful thing happen while I was away, like new Ambrosia products announced?

Edit: A little edit here, a little edit there, and voila!

While preparing dinner, Edna accidentally opens a can of whoopass.

(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 12-29-2002).)


Originally posted by Mantaray:
**I would say that it seems you've just told everyone.


Well, I'm back from New York City, if anyone noticed my absence... what the heck happened? What's this lightbulb thingy? when was this instigated? Any other dreadful thing happen while I was away, like new Ambrosia products announced?

Edit: A little edit here, a little edit there, and voila!


I did not tell them the name of the plug-in. It is a stable plug-in, it works well with the Polycon plug-ins.

If you answer a silly question, you are just as silly as the person who asked it. Give a silly answer to a silly queston, and the one who asked it will realize that he's not as smart as he thinks.
A leech has two daughters, and both are named "Give me!"


Originally posted by Mantaray:
What's this lightbulb thingy? when was this instigated?

It tells you whether the person who posted a message is currently online. It just went up a couple of days ago, but the boards used to have it quite some time ago.

David Arthur @ (url="http://"")
(url="http://"")EV Nova Gameplay FAQ(/url) - Now Hosted by (url="http://"")!


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**It tells you whether the person who posted a message is currently online. It just went up a couple of days ago, but the boards used to have it quite some time ago.


It has been on the board pages all the time, just commented out in the code. It was disabled when Janus (the old ASW server) started to get overloaded, but evidently now that they have two new servers and have sorted the bugs out, Andrew or Tom or whoever decided it was time to reinstitute it.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
"I expect you'd like to know about frogmen?"