Makin' ships

Anyone seen Star Wars (of course you have)?
I'm thinking of making a plugin with Bobba Fett's (the bounty hunter) ship, 'cos it so damn cool!

It'll have bio-bombs (like in the movie; BOOOOM!), laser batteries (180 degree fire) and a lot of cool stuff which I have not yet figured out

well, anyway, it's so extremely difficult to model ships (especially Boba Fett's ship), so I need some help is there any tutorials out there about making ships?

The difficulty is that Bobba Fett's ship doens't contain polygons, rectangles or anything like that so I can't use the pre-fabricated shapes.

And I don't get that with rles or rle8 It's totally yes, I don't get it, and I haven't found any tutorials either! Please help me out! What is rleds and rle8s?
What is "spin resources"!???!?!!!

Dj HomeWear

PS: I use Strata 3d


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear


Originally posted by HomeWear:
The difficulty is that Bobba Fett's ship doens't contain polygons, rectangles or anything like that so I can't use the pre-fabricated shapes.

I assume you meant primitives instead of polygons. Polygons are in every 3-deminsional shape out there; they're the little rectangles and triangles (hence, polygon) that make up all the shapes.


And I don't get that with rles or rle8 It's totally yes, I don't get it, and I haven't found any tutorials either! (just worry about the EnRLE step)


Please help me out! What is rleds and rle8s?
What is "spin resources"!???!?!!!

Calm down, calm down! RleD/8s are the sprites in Nova. In the first two EVs, the sprite used PICT resources. RleD/8s take less memory, and are thus better to use, however, you can use the good ol' fashioned PICT format if you want to.
Spďn resources tell Nova how many frames the ship needs for it to look right. It also tells Nova how big the frames are. You need spďn resources for anything you see in space. (weapons, ships, and planets.)

While preparing dinner, Edna accidentally opens a can of whoopass.
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(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 12-06-2002).)

I actually considered trying to make such a plugin myself. It'd all be pretty easy except for the seismic bombs (which I've got an idea how to do).

As for graphics, I just found and downloaded a LightWave model of the Slave I from (url="http://"")Sci-Fi 3D(/url). It'd be easy to render it out, if you'd like. You'd have to give credit to the site and creator with the plugin, though.


Here: go to (url="http://"")this site,(/url) and about halfway down you'll find the model of Slave 1 (Boba/Jango Fett's ship) that you want. Since you're using Strata3D, you'll want the .3ds version. You'll need to create your own textures for it. Additionally, the conversion from .3ds to .s3d format may cause some of the model's pieces to move around, so you may have to rebuild it, but all the pieces and shapes (the hard work) will be there for you.

Starfleet Adventures: A Star Trek TC for EVN (url="http://"") Discussion Board (/url)
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It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

Thanks, you saved me a lot of work there!


Promise me to download my plugin 😄


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear

Noooo! There's something terribly wrong here I think.
I downloaded the 3ds file but when I unstuffed it everything appeared as JPEG files in a folder on my desktop mad!

Is it supposed to be like this?

Dj HomeWear (yes, that's me!)


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear


Originally posted by HomeWear:
**Noooo! There's something terribly wrong here I think.
I downloaded the 3ds file but when I unstuffed it everything appeared as JPEG files in a folder on my desktop mad!

Is it supposed to be like this?

Dj HomeWear (yes, that's me!)

Yeah, that right. The problem is that Strata cant import the textures on the model, so you have to make them and add them yourself. Im working on texturing the model at the moment, I can send it to you once finished if you like?


(url="http://"")"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!!"(/url)

Why bother when you've got LightWave which can load a version which has the textures? 😄

Posted Image
Posted Image

The Slave 1 design is property of Lucasfilm. Credit to "A. Wiro" for remodelling it, and "Preben Herman" for porting it to LightWave.

If you'd like these graphics in Nova-format, I can upload them in a ResEdit file. I've also started playing around with how to get a functioning Seismic Bomb - I've got it working, but the blast needs to be bigger. Muahahaha. 😉


Bryce 5.0 can hold it's own.. 🙂

Edit: Ok. I suck at UBB code. Or geocities is being a bitch.

Of course, my skills don't really do it justice.. that and some of the texture mapping was hard to recreate because they all needed to be reassigned. So some of it might be a bit off.


"And to all the enemies of humanity, seek not to bar our way, for we shall win through....
....No matter the cost."

(This message has been edited by Bomb (edited 12-07-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Bomb (edited 12-07-2002).)

Well, not to keep HomeWear from having fun making his own version, I've successfully implemented the Slave I into EVN:

Fear that blast. 😄

(sounds taken from trailers for the film and edited, plus credits I posted previously)



Why bother when you've got LightWave which can load a version which has the textures?

Really, thank you

but how do you handle the spin resource
I can't find any real tutorials on that

What is the "xsize" and "ysize" and I need the glow for Slave 1 too, where acn I get it? do you have it?


If you'd like these graphics in Nova-format, I can upload them in a ResEdit file. I've also started playing around with how to get a functioning Seismic Bomb - I've got it working, but the blast needs to be bigger. Muahahaha.

yes, send it to me in an resEdit file, that'll save me a lot of work

but don't forget to tell me how to "make the ship look right" (spin resources)

(This message has been edited by HomeWear (edited 12-08-2002).)

Hey, I saw your movie of Slave 1 crushing destroyers, and I think the plugin is great!
Ehhh how much is that seismic bombs (in credits how much?)

Send me that plugin!!!!!!!


I love it, send it to as soon as you possible can, will ya? please! I love Slave 1!

Nice bombs!


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear

(This message has been edited by HomeWear (edited 12-08-2002).)

It's actually not quite buyable outfits or graphics for them. As it stands the bombs have unlimited ammo. 😄

Don't let me stop you from making your own version, though, so feel more than welcome to look at my resources (once I'm done) and see how it's put together, then try re-doing it. In fact, I'd suggest it.

Be sure you've gotten the necessary programs from the (url="http://"")w00tware site(/url) (pretty much all of them, but for graphics, EnRLE/DeRLE and the "sprites" tools). Spins and shans and RLE resources are actually quite easy, if you know how it all works. I could explain it...sometime...when I'm not (supposed to be) working. 😛


Okay but send me the file when it's finished, will ya?
I want it as soon as possible 😄

Let's say I'm the beta tester, and I'll make suggestions, oky?

How do you make the graphics for the seismic bomb?
And where did u get the sounds? From the movie or from a game?

(This message has been edited by HomeWear (edited 12-08-2002).)


Originally posted by Weepul 884:
**Well, not to keep HomeWear from having fun making his own version, I've successfully implemented the Slave I into EVN:

Fear that blast. 😄

(sounds taken from trailers for the film and edited, plus credits I posted previously)

Holy ****, that rocks! 🙂

I definetly have to agree with HomeWear, I'd love to be able to fly that around the EVN universe (and those weapons are sweet...).

Perhaps make a shipyard and put it up. 😉

(Oh, btw, I rediscovered your shipyard ships sitting just about eye-level to me on my desktop, and plan on working on them on my vacation to AZ; just thought I'd let you know what was going on with them, since I did bug you for them)

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Thanks, and spiffy on the shipyard ressurrection. 😄

The plug's almost last bug. (url="http://"")Help me out here!(/url)

Originally posted by HomeWear:

How do you make the graphics for the seismic bomb?
And where did u get the sounds? From the movie or from a game?

I'm not quite sure what you're asking about how I made the graphics...I just made them. Unless you're asking for the techniques I used, all I can really say is that I made a shockwave in LightWave (a 3D app) and rendered it out for Nova.

The sounds, like I said earlier, were taken and modified from the online trailers for SW: Ep. 2. You can get the trailers from (url="http://"")


(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 12-08-2002).)

Weep, I don't post much, but I'm addicted to these damn boards, and I've seen a ton of your work. I believe I speak for the entire EV community when I say this: Please put a nice plug out someday...doesnt' have to be soon...but I'd just love to play anything that you have a hand in creating.

Thank you,

I am the creature that guards your lawn
I am the silent hat wearing evil that oversees your front yard
I am but one of a brewing storm of lawn ornament revolution
I am LawnGnome

Well, thank you...that's quite a compliment. 🙂

Don't worry, I've got 4 TCs in the works (yes, I'm overambitious :D), and, pathetic as it may seem, finishing at least one of them is one of my life goals. 😛 You can check out some very breif blurbs on them in the "Who's got a project?" thread.

So yeah...look for something from me sometime in the next few years or so. Ehhh... (/noncommital timeframe) Still, I will finish at least one project. Hopefully more.

In the meantime, I've still got the last remaining problem with the Slave I miniplug unresolved...

(edit) Almost forgot to mention: I redid a few of graphics for the EVO plugin (url="http://";=plugins&display;=rating&file;=F25v20.sit.Bin")F-25 v2.0(/url)...they're rather old and had to be made (based on the original, angled, graphics for the plugin) while I was having a lull in inspiration, but that is one plugin I've "had a hand in making". The rest of it is excellent; Bomb is a great pluginmaker. (/edit)


(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 12-08-2002).)

Problem solved! I think, at last, the plug is done...

I also made a new scenic pic. IMHO it looks better than the one I posted here before.

(url="http://"")Get it here(/url)...enjoy!

HomeWear: Be sure to check out how it's all set up...learn by example.


(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 12-09-2002).)

It's great, weepul!

Hey, I'm going to make a plugin with a new ship, and this ship, too, is from Star Wars:

IT'S THE SITH INFILTRATOR!!!!!!! (The ship that the siths uses)

It's going to be slow (around 250, I think ), but it will have good armor and good shields as well as, of course, GREAT WEAPONRY!!!!

Hehehe, be sure to download it, Weepul 😄

Finally I managed to create my first ship I'm sooooo happy!
Trallallaaaaa Lalllllaaaaaaa etc. etc.


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear