Ingame Music

Is ingame music possible in plugins?

"I sell mirrors in the city of the blind."

No, that would require an addition to the game engine, which can not be achieved through plugins.

The best you could do would be to run EVN in window mode and have iTunes or SoundJam or whatever you're using playing in the background.

While preparing dinner, Edna accidentally opens a can of whoopass.

Shame, danke.

"I sell mirrors in the city of the blind."

Well, if you really wanted to do it, you could have a weapon who's sound was the music you wanted to play. Then fire the weapon and bingo - you'd have your music. But you'd have to re-fire every time you entered a new system or left a planet, and they'd be no music while landing, boarding a ship or checking the map.

(url="http://"")New Kong Industries (/url) - Home of the Night's Dawn TC!

Interesting idea simon, but its not to the effect I need. Oh well, I guess I'll just set up a list of songs to play while your playing nova in turn.

"I sell mirrors in the city of the blind."

Yeah, my idea was more of a joke than anything.

I assume you know you can change the intro music pretty easily? It's almost certainly not what you want, but I figured I'd just make sure you knew about it.

(url="http://"")New Kong Industries (/url) - Home of the Night's Dawn TC!

Oh well, it was still an idea, and I just may have to try something like that in the end

"I sell mirrors in the city of the blind."

What are you trying to do? I mean other then get music to play in the background?

(url="http://"")New Kong Industries (/url) - Home of the Night's Dawn TC!

Hey, planets can have sounds, iirc, so put the music in a snd resource, set it as the planets sound, and voila! you have music on a planet! it might work.... 😛


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Originally posted by MickyBIs:
**Hey, planets can have sounds, iirc, so put the music in a snd resource, set it as the planets sound, and voila! you have music on a planet! it might work....:p



Ooh! I like the sound of that! It just may work! Simon, I'm doing nothing at all.

"I sell mirrors in the city of the blind."

Make a cron that fires every day and activates the Play Sound ncb. Have the ncb point to a sound resource that contains a music track. Unforutnately the music would probably restart every time you jumped into a new system.

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Originally posted by simon:
**Well, if you really wanted to do it, you could have a weapon who's sound was the music you wanted to play. Then fire the weapon and bingo - you'd have your music. But you'd have to re-fire every time you entered a new system or left a planet, and they'd be no music while landing, boarding a ship or checking the map.


That isn't a bad idea. I came up with the same idea for putting some Borg voices onto a Borg cube, just to intimidate the player before a battle...but that died along with my virtual hard drive and my Star Trek: Override project, so I never was able to implement it.

Mike Lee (Firebird)
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