Nova Tools Help

I'm starting to cut my teeth on plugins, and so naturally downloaded Nova Tools. I set it up, everything went fine there, but when I started playing around with it. . . the changes didn't take place. I moded a few things in the spöb, oütf, and shďp resources. . . and the changes didn't happen. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe I've got gremlins, maybe I haven't got a clue.

Any tips?



Not to ask stupid questions, but did you save the file and place it in the plugin folder? Did you change the type so it is a plugin instead of a ResEdit resource file?

(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)

Ive had the same problem, You play around in the files and the changes dont take place. I save it, And its in the Data file and it doesnt work.

-Unreal Centipede
(url="http://"")Join my anti-confederation fourm(/url)

Yes, I saved the file after I made the changes, giggle duh! 🙂 and yes I put it in the plugin folder. I even made sure to copy them beforehand, in case I did something that would be described as FUBAR. Now, as for changing the type. . . that's where I begin to get glassy eyed. I opened the various plugins with ResEdit and, as far as I know, they are still plugins. I ran the game, and they seemed to work fine. . . sans changes though. I started with a few small things, such as changeing ship stats, tech levels, etc., and got discouraged when I hit this curious non-productive wall.

For reference I'm diddling around with the Polycon and SuperCheats 2.7 plugs.



nods and points at Unreal Centipede. What he said. 🙂



Originally posted by bittercrank:
**Yes, I saved the file after I made the changes, giggle duh!🙂 and yes I put it in the plugin folder. I even made sure to copy them beforehand, in case I did something that would be described as FUBAR. Now, as for changing the type. . . that's where I begin to get glassy eyed. I opened the various plugins with ResEdit and, as far as I know, they are still plugins. I ran the game, and they seemed to work fine. . . sans changes though. I started with a few small things, such as changeing ship stats, tech levels, etc., and got discouraged when I hit this curious non-productive wall.

For reference I'm diddling around with the Polycon and SuperCheats 2.7 plugs.



Get info on some existing plugs, and copy their type and maker (something like that) to the info on your plug in the same fields.


Originally posted by Unreal Centipede
Ive had the same problem, You play around in the files and the changes dont take place. I save it, And its in the Data file and it doesnt work.

It must be the correct format (as detailed above) and in the "Nova Plugins" folder.

I'm pr(url="http://"")E(/url)sid(url="http://"")E(/url)nt of the Unit(url="http://"")E(/url)d States and I r(url="http://"")E(/url)fus(url="http://"")E(/url) to (url="http://"")E(/url)at broccoli! - G(url="http://"")E(/url)orge H. W. Bush
Lif(url="http://"")E(/url) is short. (url="http://"")E(/url)at d(url="http://"")E(/url)ss(url="http://"")E(/url)rt first.