Calling all 3d Artists!

My name is jordan and I am currently working on creating an EV nova movie. Now, it will require lots of models of the ships in EV. That is where you guys come in. I need some people who know how to make 3d models. I would appreciate it if anyone would like to volunteer to do it for free, but we do have a budget, and if i need to pay people, then i will. So please, anyone who is interested, please post a reply or send me an email. Thanks!



I can't, but chuck2dog (Bret L.) is really really good.I'm pretty sure he can do ships.

I don't know what weapons the third world war will be faught with, but the Fourth World war will be faught with sticks and stones- Albert Einstien
.Upcoming website, (url="http://"") for the New Era plug.
I is wanta being learning engisck.

Keep in mind that if you wish to extract any money from this film in any way and for any reason, it would be a very good idea to get Ambrosia's permission first.

Otherwise, good luck!

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
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that has been considered, and is in the process of being worked out

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I might be able to do some scene models or other various inaminate object models in Bryce.

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Apparently, common sense isn't so common...


Originally posted by nwa728:
**I might be able to do some scene models or other various inaminate object models in Bryce.


Sound good. Send me an email at and we can talk.



Is this still happening? Keep it alive! I'm new to the adventures of the 3D modeling world but I will help where I can. I have been having pretty good luck so far...

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I sent u an e-mail


Posted Image
Message deleted, kept for IP address.


(This message has been edited by Mazca (edited 11-20-2002).)

Hey, if the movie project needs a web board, I can set one up (url="http://"")here(/url) for you. 😉

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I could possibly do some work for you. I have recently started animation work. I am still starting to get used to Strata's controls but I have a small sample up, which will be expanded upon soon. You can see it (url="http://"")here(/url). If that doesnt work, try downloading the url to disk. Then it will work.


(url="http://"")"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!!"(/url)

Mr_Mean_Guy and Mr_Nice_Guy:

Don't spam my board. Don't flame other people. And DON'T HAVE ARGUMENTS WITH YOURSELF.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
Nobody said it was easy, no-one ever said it would be this hard....

so much fun.

I can see it now... no I cant

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
(url="http://"")Event Horizon 2 Sign-Up(/url)
(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"")


Originally posted by nwa728:
**I might be able to do some scene models or other various inaminate object models in Bryce.


Have you ever used Lightwave?

I can do pilot files, I am to busy to do plug-ins , right now.


Originally posted by Mazca:
**Mr_Mean_Guy and Mr_Nice_Guy:

Don't spam my board. Don't flame other people. And DON'T HAVE ARGUMENTS WITH YOURSELF.

You must have pretty ****ed up inner monalogue to do something like that. And people, even if you do post under an unregistered name, your IP address can still be seen, so thiis kind of thing is just stupid.

I just noticed that my link didnt work, so (url="http://"")here(/url) it is compressed (actually its an extended version too). Its 691k compressed.


(url="http://"")"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!!"(/url)


I looked at your movie and i thought it was good. If you are still interested, send me an email at




Originally posted by Jules:
**You must have pretty ****ed up inner monalogue to do something like that. And people, even if you do post under an unregistered name, your IP address can still be seen, so thiis kind of thing is just stupid.

I just noticed that my link didnt work, so here it is compressed (actually its an extended version too). Its 691k compressed.



I realize that your movie file was just a test, but I do feel a small critique is necessary. First of all, it's a tad confusing unless you watch it in slowmo. For your final animation, make sure that the shots last a bit longer, and that the camera angles don't switch too drastically between them. Here's why: in your movie you start with one shot of the figher going from right to left, and then cut immediately to a shot with the fighter going from left to right. Be very careful when you do that because it can leave audiences confused. Especially if the fighter exits on one side of the screen, and immediately reappears on the other side. This can be extremely confusing, and your audience will lose track of the action. What tends to help is a shot of the fighter coming straight at the camera, or directly over, or something. As for the movement of the fighter, you have to play with your f-curves (or whatever the Strata equivilents may be) to make the maneuvers a bit smoother. The fighter starts rotating too abruptly. If it behaves anything like an atmospheric fighter, it should probably bank before it starts to turn. Other than that, it's looking pretty good (I believe that I've posted my problems with the fighter's design elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself there), and I can't wait to see what you do with it.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by NSA Man:
Have you ever used Lightwave?

I wish, but no. I can still export models in a number of formats. I think Bryce can export in Lightwave format too.

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Apparently, common sense isn't so common...