Fighter Bay

I have created a fighter bay for a carrier in my plugin. Everything seems to be working except recalling the fighters to the bay, they end up circling the carrier and never 'get back onboard'. Does anyone know what I might be missing here?

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Originally posted by polystatic:
**I have created a fighter bay for a carrier in my plugin. Everything seems to be working except recalling the fighters to the bay, they end up circling the carrier and never 'get back onboard'. Does anyone know what I might be missing here?


Well, there isn't anything that I know of that has to be set, though sometimes it is kind of hard to get the fighters to get back on in one pass. You have to be patient, because they have to have enough area hitting your ship sprite to successfully get back on, and this often takes 3-4 passes, or more if you're moving erratically.

Having slower, more maneuverable (high turn rate and acceleration) fighters helps, as the AI isn't very good about slowing down beforehand...

Mike Lee (Firebird)
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Thanks for the thought. Unfortunately there seems to be something else. I can be totally stopped and those fighters just keep circling the carrier. In fact, calling them into formation makes all the ships come to a stop. Then I hit the command for them to reboard the bay and the little buggers start circling the ship. Any other ideas?

I have created the oütf resources for both the bay (weapon) and the fighter (ammunition) and the wëap resource for the bay. Aside from that, I am stumped.

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If you still can't figure it out, email me the plug and I'll take a look and see if I can find anything.

I like long walks, especially those taken by people who annoy me.

Fighter bays can be a bitch to debug, that's for sure. I've had this problem a couple of times, and it has always seemed to fix itself after a long bout of frustration. Some things to watch for:

1. Is the ammo type field of the launcher set correctly? I made all the different bays for one type of ship use the same ammo with interesting/bad results.

2. Are you launching nested fighters? In EVN 1.0.0 they were not handled correctly, but EVN 1.0.1+ doesn't seem to have a problem.

3. Make sure the outfits are correct, especially for the ammo. It needs to provide ammo for the weapon. The outfit doesn't care what the ship is- so make sure the modval is set to the weapon, and not the ship ID.

hope that helps


Thanks for your ideas. I'm on my way to check it out...

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Well, thanks for all of your suggestions, everybody. None of it worked, but the problem has resolved itself, much as Masamune explained his experience to be. I just simply tried each of the different classes of fighters (shďp resources)--some of them didn't work but one did. So, I simply rearranged the outfits, weapons and titles, and have a fully working fighter bay. Who knows why? Who cares! It works and the issue is...well, resolved. Thanks again.

-end of line

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(This message has been edited by polystatic (edited 11-22-2002).)