Asteriod Mining

Does anyone remeber the Galactic Scourge plug for EV Classic, and it had those Replicon robot miners in it? I decided to make my own, and it looks very similar but much cooler.

Anyway, my question is, will AI ships use turrets to mine asteriods? What about Front Quadrant Turrets? I don't think they'll use turrets, but it's possible they'll use the FQT to mine. Will they refuse to use them because they can't target the asteriod?

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I haven't played the original, but if its anything like Nova then turrets can't fire unless they target something.

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Originally posted by no_use_for_a_name:
**I haven't played the original, but if its anything like Nova then turrets can't fire unless they target something.


they can't. It makes sense, though. What, or where would a turret fire if it wasn't targeting anything? None of the EV games allow turrets to fire without a target.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

front quadrant turrets will fire without a target- they act as normal 'unguided' weapons when nothing is targetted, so the AI should have no problem mining with them.

As I recall, there is a flag you set somewhere in the ship resource that tells the ai to mine asteroids with that ship, its probably smart enough to use any non-ammo, non-turret weapon to do that.

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