Shän problem

I'm trying to use some ship picts I was sent in nova, and for some reason, instead of the Shan resource showing one ship rotating, it shows all the small ships in the PICT going in circles, and it tends to skip several frames.
The PICT has 18 rows of 6 ships, but if it set it on 108 frames the last fifty or so are completely blank, and if I set it on 36 it works better, but there are still many small ships moving insanely fast and skipping frames.
I decoded the picts with w00tware's Sprite program. What am I missing?

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Adjust the spďn resource you are using to have a smaller xsize and ysize value, that should work.

This works in my experience, your situation might be different.

What the problem is is the fact that you're frames are cutting into other frames, so a smaller frame size would probably fix this.

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(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 10-12-2002).)


Originally posted by Mantaray:
**Adjust the spďn resource you are using to have a smaller xsize and ysize value, that should work.

This works in my experience, your situation might be different.

What the problem is is the fact that you're frames are cutting into other frames, so a smaller frame size would probably fix this.


It would be shän, not spďn, wouldn't it, since I'm trying to make a ship.

But anyway,I shrunk the X and Y so it should only show one ship, but you can occasionally see bits of the other ships in the edges of the box, and the animation is still very jerky; it seems to only recognize 3 or 4 of the 36 frames.

EDIT: by shrinking it just right, the shan did flow smoothly and there was only one ship. However, when I use Enrle on it, it becomes three ships, which look much more pixilated.
"How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hoards got bored."
Useless facts:
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the medical term for "fear of long words"
(url="http://"")why does everybody have an EVula link?(/url)

(This message has been edited by Veritus Dartarion (edited 10-12-2002).)


Originally posted by Veritus Dartarion:
EDIT: by shrinking it just right, the shan did flow smoothly and there was only one ship. However, when I use Enrle on it, it becomes three ships, which look much more pixilated.

I'm assuming the extra 72 frames are banking frames...? If they are, make sure you set the "FramePerSet" to 36, and the "BaseSetCount" to 3.


Hmm, I had it set to 36 frames 1 basesetcount. When I changed it to three, the pict showed it blank, but converting it made it nice and normal. Problem solved.

"How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hoards got bored."
Useless facts:
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the medical term for "fear of long words"
(url="http://"")why does everybody have an EVula link?(/url)


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(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 10-14-2002).)