Cloaking device help(EVN)

I was just making a one-minute type plug to give me a free, weightless, no drain cloaking device to help me get through a mission when I noticed the 'area cloak' option (I'm using NovaTools). I decided to stick that in and entered the ModVal field as '1000' (without the quotes). However, when I tried the cloak in the game it drained my fuel and shields. I have tried this with various other settings set too (things like '1003' and '1002') but it still drains fuel & shields. I don't really mind and I just used it to get though the mission with the field set to '0' but I would still like to try out the area cloak thing if possible. I am using Nova 1.0.0

Any suggestions?

I think I'm going crazy! All da links R ruining my brain! (Ha! Not 1 '(url="http://"")E(/url)')

Just look at the real cloaking devices and copy it.

The numbers listed in the EVN Bible are in Base 16 (Hexidecimal). However, when entering these numbers into an oütf form in NovaTool, you must first convert them into Base 10 (Decimal).

You can avoid this step by simply using the version of the table below and adding the numbers in parens to get the value for NovaTools.

0x0001 - (1) - Faster fading
0x0002 - (2) - Visible on radar
0x0004 - (4) - Immediately drops shields on activation
0x0008 - (8) - Cloak deactivates when ship takes damage
0x0010 - (16) - Use 1 unit of fuel per second
0x0020 - (32) - Use 2 units of fuel per sec
0x0040 - (64) - Use 4 units of fuel per sec
0x0080 - (128) - Use 8 units of fuel per sec
0x0100 - (256) - Use 1 unit of shield per sec
0x0200 - (512) - Use 2 units of shield per sec
0x0400 - (1024) - Use 4 units of shield per sec
0x0800 - (2048) - Use 8 units of shield per sec
0x1000 - (4096) - Area cloak - ships in formation with a shďp carrying this cloaking device will also be cloaked

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(This message has been edited by Slagblah (edited 10-12-2002).)

So it looks like you can't have a zero-draining cloak device.

This space left intentionally blank.


Originally posted by Mantaray:
So it looks like you can't have a zero-draining cloak device.

Um... why not? Just don't set any of the 'fuel use' bits.

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Indeed. I have made cloaking devices that do not drain anything.

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I think, therefore I hmm...


Originally posted by Mantaray:
**So it looks like you can't have a zero-draining cloak device.


Just set the field to '0'


Originally posted by Slagblah:
**< snip>

OH, that's how it works. I thought it worked like the 'flags' fields only without the $ sign in front (well, that is, if you're not using NovaTools. If you are they are converted into checkboxes instead).

Thanks for everyone's help


I think I'm going crazy! All da links R ruining my brain! (Ha! Not 1 '(url="http://"")E(/url)')


Originally posted by Nighteyes:
**OH, that's how it works. I thought it worked like the 'flags' fields only without the $ sign in front (well, that is, if you're not using NovaTools. If you are they are converted into checkboxes instead).

Thanks for everyone's help



In the case of your Area Cloak, enter the ModVal as 4096. That will produce the area cloak.

Eww! Troll bogies!
Let the fun begin!