Strata 3d

In response to the original question: Strata 3.0.2 is a really good program, so I'd say try using it. It's free, and fully featured. If your registration code doesn't work, I can email you mine. You can really do some amazing stuff in it, IF you have the patience to learn it well. It is somewhat unstable when setting up and rendering animations, but other than that I've had no problems with it. Check out some of my image gallery posts if you want some examples of strata work.

Keep us posted on how it works out!

"Quoting yourself is really dumb" - BariSaxGuy5


I've been using a REALLY OLD version of Strata for quite awhile now. The full name is Strata Studiopro Blitz, and it's version 1.75+ (ouch).

If you would like to look at some things that i've done with it go to (url="http://"") Everything there is rather old as I have not had the patience to keep updating it. I'm interested in getting a newer version of this trusty app 🙂 Here are some questions:

Does v3 do particles (such as water, fire, and smoke)?
How big is v3 (download size)?
Is Strata still polygon based?
What texture mapping options do you have?
Does Strata accept DXF files (It should)?


The Evil Spoonman


Originally posted by Evil_Spoonman:
**How big is v3 (download size)?
Does Strata accept DXF files (It should)?

Offhand, I know the download package of 3.02 is about 22.4 MB, and I'm almost certain it will import DXF files. For a free program, it will import and export a surprising number of common formats.

"I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway." -Crow T. Robot
(url="http://";=Just+Games&number;=60")Just Games(/url) • (url="http://"")The Devil's Dictionary(/url)

Does v3 do particles (such as water, fire, and smoke)?Yes

How big is v3 (download size)? 19.4MB if you follow my link 😉

Is Strata still polygon based? Sure. I think so

What texture mapping options do you have? A lot, download it and try it.

Does Strata accept DXF files (It should)? Yes

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
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Good, I like it, I think I'll try it and see what happens. Hopefully it won't turn my computer into a smoking pile of junk 🙂


The Evil Spoonman

no no, thats my job, you should know that....

(EDIT)My spelling is bad after work(/edit)
(EDIT 2)my edits are spelled wrong after work(/edit)
Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
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What do you mean, I don't think I'd be very happy if you turned my computer into a smoking pile of junk 🙂

The Evil Spoonman

but then you could blame me

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
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Yes I could blame you, and I would blame you, and I should blame you 😉 Oh well, too bad it's not gunna crash and burn. Hey does anyone know if Strata is releasing a Strata for OS X anytime soon. That would be solid gold for me 🙂


The Evil Spoonman


Originally posted by Evil_Spoonman:
**Hey does anyone know if Strata is releasing a Strata for OS X anytime soon. That would be solid gold for me:)



If you check out (url="http://"") (which you should have done in the first place) you will see that they are (or were, at least) selling OS9 bundles of Strata products to clear out their inventories because they're making OSX products. The bundles really are a bargain if you're staying with OS9, but I'm still on OS 8.6, so it wouldn't be worth it.

If you're refering to the 3D program made by Strata, you should say Strata 3D, as the company has several product lines and none of them are named simply "Strata."

Get a life, a cyberspace life.

I did check the Strata site and I saw the "amazing sale", generally they realease beta copys, I should have been more specific, sry.


The Evil Spoonman

I tried downloading from SpacePirate's link, but it is insanely slow. Then I tried Jager's, but it just loades a bunch of incoherent text, with a readme inbedded in it? What is a .dmg file?

Anywho, is there a big difference between 3.0 and 3.0.2, cause I found 3.0 on one of my MacAddict disks, but no 3.0.2 :frown:.

Could someone also send me their free code? I used to have one, but a thunderstorm corrupted my hard drive causing me to reformat and reinstall, which erases all my saved e-mails (didn't backup cause I'm stupid).

Thanxs :).

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system!" -- Dan Quayle, on the concept of a manned mission to Mars
"I do not like this word 'bomb.' It is not a bomb. It is a device that is exploding." -- Jacques le Blanc, French ambassador on nuclear weapons
"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten." -- Bounty Hunters Motto

OH MY GOD, my link you need to save to disk, a DMG is a format like how you can copy a cd, and cuch, 9.0+ OSes suport it...

Anyways there is a big difference between 3.0.0 and 3.0.2

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
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You mean like a Disk Copy file?

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system!" -- Dan Quayle, on the concept of a manned mission to Mars
"I do not like this word 'bomb.' It is not a bomb. It is a device that is exploding." -- Jacques le Blanc, French ambassador on nuclear weapons
"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten." -- Bounty Hunters Motto

Jager - I'm only getting 10KB/S on your Strata3d.dmg download, and I'm running on a cable line from which I get T1 or greater speeds.

I just thought you might want to know in case its something on your side :).

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system!" -- Dan Quayle, on the concept of a manned mission to Mars
"I do not like this word 'bomb.' It is not a bomb. It is a device that is exploding." -- Jacques le Blanc, French ambassador on nuclear weapons
"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten." -- Bounty Hunters Motto

you ever have 90+ conections to a mp3 file. well I wouldtn think so. well that link is on someone elses server, soon it will switch over to mine, which should have OC3 soon... well there goes most of my paychecks...


(url="http://"")A Song, lets hope it isnt sencered in the URL...(/url)

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.dmg is the OS X disk image extension.

Why you would compress an OS 9 program as .dmg I have no idea. 🙂

The Evil Spoonman

Because I fricken wanted to?

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
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(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"")

So, does the online registration page for this 3.0.2 still work? (This is the version they used to give away for free, right?)

yes, but the code takes a long time to become active, I sugest using someone elses....

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
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