Photojournalist plugin idea


Originally posted by roninuta:
**Ok now I have a more simple question. For those people that have designed long winded plugs, how did you keep track of the missions? I am not having too much luck finding any kind of story/script software. Any suggestions? I don't want to have to resort to writing it all down in a note book...

Thanks in advance,
- Chris


There are some nice books on game development that address this question. Consensus seems to be a heirarchal document structure. At the top, a document of less than a page that summarizes the whole thing. Next is an outline of some tens of pages. Each major (and minor) plotline is written up as an independent story; once in outline form, and another in more of a script form with all the dialogue as well as notes on camera, scenic elements, special effects....

I'm trying a modified version of this approach now; I'm writing out each major plot as a single contiguous description. I'm also using the old boxes-and-lines construction -- primitive logic diagram -- to figure out how branch points interact.

I'd be interested in hearing about the working methods of other major plug-makers on this. As I said above, I've read up on how the pros do it, but I have little practical experience of my own.

"I know the stranger's name."

Mantaray, "All the President's Men" is an awesome movie, and would make an incredible storyline.
roninuta, I applaud your creativity. I wish I'd thought of it first. 😉 Hrm. Cmdr. Arashi's idea of doing human interest stories is good, but it won't work in the EVN storyline. All the governments are too powerful and too hostile to each other. In America, we're the exact opposite. While we're bombing the evil bastards overseas (yes, I mean Afghanistan) back to the stone age, our reporters are also saying how terrible the medical conditions are and how many civilian casualties are being caused. So, actually, it may work better in a TC plug. Ah, the joys of molding an entire Universe to your will But back to the Nova scenario. As a Fed reporter, you cover Fed stories. As a matter of fact, your point of view should be from a loyal Federation citizen, believing that the Auroran barbarians and the sick, demented Polarans should be cleansed from the Galaxy, allowing 'Freedom' and 'Democracy' to prosper.

And as to writing, just let it flow. It is a story. As a story, it is like a river. It has a beginning and an end. Between that, is your choice.
Now, you can be incredibly organized, like Cmdr. Arashi, and use a logical, rational, organized approach. (QT did this to me with the TC we're working on. I was amazed that he had the entire storyline worked out.)
Or you can do it like I do, and write whenever you get the urge. The storyline I am working on right now is very terribly disorganized. It is going in a single direction, and it may not branch out at all. But I, personally, like it.
Another hint. The first thing you write, you'll be incredibly proud of Until you look over it again a week or a month of a year later, at which point you'll wonder what you were smoking that you thought it was so good. You'll improve with time.
Okay, I'm rambling now. Just write whichever way comes most natural to you.
Good luck, and good hunting.
Have a nice week.

“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”
-- Robin Williams