What program do you use?

I was curious on what programs you people used for the graphical part of EVN. I have heard people say they use Bryce 4 and other neat programs but never quite how. It would be much appreciated if any artists would list the program they use and the type of tools they use in the program ie. I use Bryce 4 by making lots and lots of metaballs.


Passion rules Reason.

I wrote a review of all of the free/very cheap 3D program I know of. Link is below.


I've always used Bryce 5 for making landscape graphics.


I use Strata Plus 3.7. As for tools, that depends on what. There are over hundereds of difrent tools to use in strata.

"English needs to be fixed!!" -My dad

I use (url="http://"http://www.dvgarage")ElectricImage(/url), using the UberNURBS for smooth organic shapes and the skinning tool for flat 3D shapes.

(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")All your smurf are belong to smurf!(/url) )( Generic (url="http://"http://ww.evula.com")EVula(/url) link )( { (url="http://"http://www20.brinkster.com/greenmonster/index.html")s p h e r e(/url) - soon to be complete!

And we can count on NTiOzymandias to start pushing POV-Ray.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Photoshop for some texture and bump maps, Graphic Converter(which i still must register) for some others. Mechanisto for most ships, various methods, usually complex modelling. Bryce4/5 for landscaping and recreating Mech ships for animations(such as race movies) and such.

(url="http://"http://mywebpages.comcast.net/genea16/Rift.html")Rift Homepage(/url)
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/briftwebboards")Rift Webboards(/url)
Apparently, common sense isn't so common...


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**And we can count on NTiOzymandias to start pushing POV-Ray.



...or his latest cult... 😉

I am mormon. I am mormon by choice.
If you have any questions about the LDS religion, go (url="http://"http://www.mormon.org/")here(/url).


Originally posted by P-Psycho:
**...or his latest cult...;)


(url="http://"http://www.povray.org")Ha ha. Yea.(/url)


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Infini-D 4.5. I mostly just take advantage of it's extremely powerful modeler, and use booleans when they're needed.

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net


Originally posted by P-Psycho and what_is_the_matrix:
(insert lame humor)

Bah, pass the milk! You could have at least anticipated my next move.....

"This raytracer of mine glows with an awesome power; its burning radiosity tells me to defeat you! Here I go........ SHINING ISOSURFACE!!! "

(This message has been edited by NTiOzymandias (edited 08-16-2002).)


Originally posted by NTiOzymandias:
**Bah, pass the milk! You could have at least anticipated my next move.....

"This raytracer of mine glows with an awesome power; its burning radiosity tells me to defeat you! Here I go........ SHINING ISOSURFACE!!! "

(This message has been edited by NTiOzymandias (edited 08-16-2002).)**

What? No link to (url="http://"http://www.povray.org")povray.org?(/url) I'm disappointed with you, NTi.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I use Lightwave 7.5. Which is a very good professional product. I'd sure prefer MAya or maybe 3DS but I dont want to invest that much in a 3d program. I know that jdh and Admiral Zombat use Lightwave too.

Pesmo's Profile Refresh no. 13
I am to tired to think of something I could potentially write here and the perspective that no one would ever read that (yet inexistant) signature discourages me even more.


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**What? No link to povray.org? I'm disappointed with you, NTi.



As am I with you, RTi. The link was already on the page, thus I did not repeat it (I might put it in my sig, though).

I use (url="http://"http://www.maxon.de/")Cinema 4D(/url).

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/mandrillen/PhotoAlbum1.html")The answer to the question is, obviously, 42!(/url)
But, oh, what a wicked world it was that drove a man to sin.