Planets: where to find them and their names

Using Resedit I can find every picture, except the planets. Are they hardwired in the game or am I just not looking in the right place? I have found a file on the addons page the has those images, but I am just curious where they are found.

Question 2 is, perhaps, a little harder. I am placing some planets in Polaran space (apostrophe heaven 😛 ) Barring my own super creativity(none), I'd like to know if there was any method for creating those names. I know Wraith space has several punny names, but I am not including those.

It seems like there were some "rules" applied when those names were created. (Warrior Cast Planets have a Nil' prefix, etc.)

I'd guess, that such a question was asked before, but I could not find anything.

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
--John Lehman,US secretary of the navy

The planets are in a spďn resource, numbered 1000 and up. They are located in Nova Graphics 2.

pipeline will have to answer the second question, as I have been wondering how they did it myself. Maybe David Arthur knows...

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Originally posted by Mantaray:
**The planets are in a spďn resource, numbered 1000 and up. They are located in Nova Graphics 2.

Fantastic! Thanks. I had never opened the spin file. 🙂

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
--John Lehman,US secretary of the navy

Not that I'm up to any questions especially meant for pipeline, but I believe that the Polaris planets have one planet named after each caste, and the other caste-owned planets have similar names/prefixes. Besides this, I doubt there is any system. I'm sure our ATMOS friend will further clarify this.

Formerely Mac Emu (no, I'm not just putting this so I can say I've been here longer than you, that's only part of it).
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Originally posted by Mantaray:
Maybe David Arthur knows...

Beyond the use of caste prefixes to indicate the ownership of the planet, I haven't been given much in the way of real details about the naming system. I can, however, think of two other things you should know: first of all, while a Polaris language is used in the game, ATMOS did not actually create an entire language, and second, the second word of a planet's name in Polaris space is sometimes a number in the Polaris number system. Here's the explanation of the Polaris number system:


Originally posted by pipeline:
**There was, in fact, an entire polaris numbering system (base 10) which I have unfortunately lost the paper for. I have reconstructed a lot of it, however, from the places where we used it in the scenario: here's what I've got.

1 - He
2 - Se
3 - Ro
4 - Ca
5 - Do
6 - Vi
7 - ?
8 - ?
9 - ?
10 - Hu

10 is generated by taking 1 (He) and giving it a u. This implies that the other Polaris numbers must have started with unique consonants, so as to make composite numbers (like SuDuVi) possible.

I can't remember how the Polaris signified zero, or how they used it in numbers like 105. It was probably Nu, or something like that.

Ah, well. Never mind.

all the best,

Dave @ ATMOS**

David Arthur
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Well, it's a start. I wanted to place a set of star systems in and then Planets in Polaran space. I could fudge it, but having an idea what trail the ATMOS team went down during creation helps.

I just want to be consistant

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
--John Lehman,US secretary of the navy