some specific questions

I'm in the last stages of development and an starting to debug a plug i made. Some questions for anyone out there:

1> Something I noticed with my plug (and many others I've played) is that the ship graphics are NOT the correct one for that ship, almost like the spďn resource is pointing to the wrong sprite grid. Any thoughts?

2> I have missing stellar graphics, sorta like a cloaked planet (which would be cool, but not what i intended). Thoughts?

"It's not my fault!" - Han Solo

Best I can say is, make sure all the resource numbers match up properly. Did you use ResEdit to make this plug?


I don't know about the first problem, but pay attention to what whatever editor you are using says the index number of the spin of your planet is, as for one Nova Tools often says that you need the wrong one. For spöbs all you need are the last 2 digits of the resid, and Nova Tools usually tells me a BS number like 988 or something.


Drinking causes hangovers.
I will uphold Ma'at.
Shemsu Hor.

I went back through with ResEdit to check all the resource IDs. They all match up, but I still have funny problems...

"It's not my fault!" - Han Solo

Maybe you can list the ID numbers on this post so everyone can cross reference them and possible point out any mistakes there are. Just be sure to tell us which EV game it's for first, cause each ID numbers assigned are different from one another.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

the plug-in is for the original EV. The spďn IDs run from 128-156, corresponding to the shďp IDs. the PICT IDs start at 1000 and run up to 1030. as for the stellar graphics, all i did was copy the PICTs from the EV Graphics file, IDs and all.

"It's not my fault!" - Han Solo

AFAIK you shouldn't have to copy everything over, just reference the correct ids. Copying might be the problem.

Drinking causes hangovers.
I will uphold Ma'at.
Shemsu Hor.