EVS: Flyer

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Upcoming EVN total conversion.

• Lots of novel weapons and ships
• All new, often animated ship sprites.
• New graphics and sounds
• Five major races in a compact galaxy
• Other stuff

"Why do these candles say T-N-T?" - (famous last words 104)

Where do you want to (url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm")teleport(/url) today?

Whoa. Cool.

Can I beta test?

"ba wah-i b w eh?" --Hudson |/| Generic (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) link || (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro&default;=26")The search feature:(/url) The most underused link on the web!

Kick A$$ dude! I think it would be cooler if the ships and stuff were 45° angled.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus


Originally posted by Mantaray:
Can I beta test?

You may. Email me, evnova@hotpop.com
It is currently 56mb, so I don't know how I will get it to you, I will have to throw some brain cells that way when I come to it, which won't be until I finish the Elmdash ships done and get the bugs worked out of their subspace rift weapon (ph33r)
(If you're wondering how it can be unfinished and 56mb, allow me to tell you that one of the sprites for a Pigdor cruiser is about 11mb alone. I may have to offer a light and full graphics set...)

"Why do these candles say T-N-T?" - (famous last words 104)

Where do you want to (url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm")teleport(/url) today?


Originally posted by Coraxus:
**Kick A$$ dude!.



Originally posted by Coraxus:
**I think it would be cooler if the ships and stuff were 45° angled

I think the whole 45° thing is a unrealistic fad, and it is to hard to implement good weapon exit ports with it at 45°.
I would rather have ships that shoot beams from each little cannon on the side than have 45° sprites, sorry.

"Why do these candles say T-N-T?" - (famous last words 104)

Where do you want to (url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm")teleport(/url) today?

Looks cool. I'd be interested in hearing about the races and what the plug's about.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
**Looks cool. I'd be interested in hearing about the races and what the plug's about.

Oh, how silly of me to forget.
By way of an outline:

There are five major races -

The Sangeans, Pigdor and Elmdash are embroiled in a terrible war that has been going on for decades. The Orion were once a major player in the war but were defeated and enslaved by the Sangeans some time before the events in EVS. The Axis is not a nation in the war, they want no part of it and show disdain towards those who pass through their space to fight others.

The Elmdash are rodentoid bipeds, who specialize in missile weapons, and have a strong capitolist society. They do not care for the war, but are kinda stuck in it anyway.

The Pigdor are only rougly humanoid, and specialize in close quarters combat. They have powerful beam weapons and very nice ships, If I do say so myself 🙂
The middle vessel in the righthand collum of screenshots is a Pigdor battleship.
To the Pigdor, the war is life, Pigdor culture and schooling are mostly used as training for military duty.

The Sangeans have the highest technology in the game. They are the most humanlike of the races, and have very strong religious beliefs about the war - to be percise, they belive that the 'heathens', the Pigdor and Elmdash, are vile impurites that must be removed from existance in the universe.

The Axis worlds shelter a mixture of races, and would not like to see Sangea win, for that reason.

As to the cuase of the war... I haven't thought of it yet, but I'm sure it will have to be something non-trival enough to make the Sangeans declare a holy war on the other races and to have the Pigdor gleefully receporcate...

"Why do these candles say T-N-T?" - (famous last words 104)

Where do you want to (url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm")teleport(/url) today?

Sounds pretty good. It bears some similarities to EVN (Orion slavery...).

I like the idea of 45° ships, though. I think it was part of what made EVN look so good.



Originally posted by Eytee:
**Sounds pretty good. It bears some similarities to EVN (Orion slavery...).

Well, the Orion are nothing like Vell-oos, they are a humanoid, pale-skinned swarfish race with no telepathic powers. They are, however, exelent shipwrights.


Originally posted by Eytee:
**I like the idea of 45° ships, though. I think it was part of what made EVN look so good.

Okay, I'll send you the 3D models and you render them, put them in the graphics files and configure the Shän resources. Lemme know when you are done. 🙂
Sorry, this isn't happening. I decided on top-down for my own reasons some time ago, I don't have the desire to change this far down the road. Besides, you can't use the starfeild to correctly oreent yourself in 45°

"Why do these candles say T-N-T?" - (famous last words 104)

Where do you want to (url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm")teleport(/url) today?


Originally posted by Bryce:
**< shnip>

Hmmm, everyone's gotta have a 666th post...

Anyway, I think you have every right to have top-down sprites. Angled sprites are cool, but can get boring; and the time it takes to do it is quite a big chunk, which could be used making the plugin.

"ba wah-i b w eh?" --Hudson |/| Generic (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) link || (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro&default;=26")The search feature:(/url) The most underused link on the web!

56MB? Dude. This sounds great! Can I beta-test it as well?

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/jokes/world_history.html")The World According To Students(/url)

(This message has been edited by asriel (edited 08-08-2002).)


Originally posted by asriel:
**56MB? Dude. This sounds great! Can I beta-test it as well?

Email me...I have to figure out how I am going to get it to the testers. ANyway, if you email me, we'll talk about you testing. I do need some testers, probobly five. No, make that 10, because with the last thing I had beta tested only about half of the testers made it to the release.

"Why do these candles say T-N-T?" - (famous last words 104)

Where do you want to (url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm")teleport(/url) today?


Originally posted by Bryce:
**Okay, I'll send you the 3D models and you render them, put them in the graphics files and configure the Shän resources. Lemme know when you are done.:)
Sorry, this isn't happening. I decided on top-down for my own reasons some time ago, I don't have the desire to change this far down the road. Besides, you can't use the starfeild to correctly oreent yourself in 45°


Alright, alright. Just throwing out my ideas... Top-down is always cool.


(This message has been edited by Eytee (edited 08-08-2002).)

Hey, I've already e-mailed you regarding this but I'd love to beta-test your plug. Also, I have a .mac account with 100 MB of iDisk space so I can host the file for you if you wish. Let me know.



Originally posted by kulong:
**Hey, I've already e-mailed you regarding this but I'd love to beta-test your plug. Also, I have a .mac account with 100 MB of iDisk space so I can host the file for you if you wish. Let me know.

Great, but my email must be slow, i haven't gotten it yet. :frown:
Everyone here should stil remember that this is still sometime from beta, if you want to do anything other than fly around and destroy things in novel and interesting ways.

Maybe my email is on the blink, the only one I have heard form here is Eytee. Has anyone else emailed me?

(This message has been edited by Bryce (edited 08-08-2002).)

I have also e-mailed you about beta testing.

Why not? | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro&default;=26")The Search Function(/url)

OKAY: Anybody who is trying to contact me concerning EVS:
you can mail me there.

"Why do these candles say T-N-T?" - (famous last words 104)

Where do you want to (url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm")teleport(/url) today?