Stellar Problems

Before anyon says anything; yes, I've used the search feature and found no help there.

Here's my problem; just created a new plug, a new system. I can fly a test piolot in and out of the system, but when I put a stellar (ID 550) into the system, EVN "unexpectedly quits". Without the stellar, the system is fine (but empty), but with the stellar the program crashes. This occurs even if I put the stellar into a different system.
Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong anyone?

Note; I'm using EV Nova, ResEdit and NovaTools

Approach the counter quietly, state the problem, than back away slowly...
That way no-one will get hurt.

I've had that problem, delete the planet and make it over again. That fixes everything.

Drinking causes hangovers.
I will uphold Ma'at.
Shemsu Hor.

did you make this stellar yourself, or was it a recycled nova graphic? if you made it yourself, make sure you rle'd it.

Eat blazing electric death!
(url="http://"")Inferno Studios)(/url)
(being remade better than ever!)


Originally posted by rmx256:
**I've had that problem, delete the planet and make it over again. That fixes everything.

Thanks, it did.


Originally posted by SpacePirate:
**did you make this stellar yourself, or was it a recycled nova graphic? if you made it yourself, make sure you rle'd it.

A recycled nova graphic. I'll do the custom stuff later.

Just out of interest, does this happen often?

Approach the counter quietly, state the problem, than back away slowly...
That way no-one will get hurt.

Even if you have the button set to use Res ID's, sometimes NovaTools has a tendancy to add 1000 to the id for the graphic. It's a lot easier to just use the index number. I don't know if this is your specific problem or not but it took me forever to sort out.

Also there is a prog linked somewhere around here that designs planet images. It's ok but I have found that in 9.1 you have to force quit it, do not try to quit it normally or you will lock up your computer. Aside from that it makes fairly decent planet images.


Drinking causes hangovers.
I will uphold Ma'at.
Shemsu Hor.