Help! corrupt data forks, wont open?

Ill cut this brief.

I wiped my hard disk and backed up my work in progress Nova plug onto zip.

I didnt bother to reformat the Zip as macOS. (i know, idiocy)

My plug now wont boot in resedit. Says no resource fork.

New folder has appeared in the same folder as my plug, called RESOURCE.FRK, and a new file called FINDER.DAT

Am I screwed?


l e g i o n

The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.

Ugh... I would be afraid so...

I don't know of any tools that copy a file to the resource fork... Though SuperResEdit can open the data fork as if it was a resource, as in you can open it with a resource editor, so you may be able to salvage something.

Drinking causes hangovers.
I will uphold Ma'at.
Shemsu Hor.

Ouch dude, now that's gotta hurt. but like what rmx256 said, try using SuperResEdit to salvage at least something

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

Hmmm, cant seem to find super resedit anywhere, anyone got a link plz?

My plug is screwed, well, at least I still dont hav to do the graphics again....


l e g i o n

The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.

Try here, there are many other links out there. This is a GREAT editor in it's own right, and indespensible for EVNing.

Drinking causes hangovers.
I will uphold Ma'at.
Shemsu Hor.