Nova Ships Won't Explode

Here's a new one on me...

I've got ships that refuse to explode. Bunches of 'em -- some with lots of armor, some with very little, some with lots of shields, some with none at all. No idea why. Each one has a legitimate bööm tag and death delay setting -- some the same as other ships that will explode.

I shoot them, it says they die, they sit there ionized for a moment, but the sprite stays there, they remain on the radar, and no new ships come into the system because the system's maxed out.



I ran into this problem, and posted and said this could be used to youyr advantage in Nova, but anyway, the answer to your question:

Have you set explosion types? I usually have them set to something like 1005 and 4, but your method will vary. Try hacking open a similar shďp from Nova and see what explosion types you should use.

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Yes, as I said -- and the explosions on the ships that won't explode are the same as some of the ships that will.

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This happened to a ship I made once. It was the explosion type/death delay. I'd double-check it if I were you, but if it looks okay, I have no idea what could be wrong.

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Yup. Looks like Nova doesn't like death delays of 0, and is very picky on explosion types. Good to know for the future.

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.