Mobile barriers

My idea might work, I dunno. The theory goes that if you set fighters to have zero shields and armor, but have no explosion types, (ie, 1005 and 4 or whatever) the fighters will not blow up. However, you wouldn't be able to select these fighters, because Nova thinks that they have blown up.

While testing version 1.0.2 of my plugin Demented Drones, I forgot to add explosions to the ships. The result was they wouldn't blow up, no matter what you did to em.

So I figured that if this does work, you could make a weapon that sort of distracts missiles, while just sitting there. It probably doesn't have any use, but it sure does look cool.

You could also use this theory for, say, a long dead battlefield. The use being that since you can't select the ships, they will appear completely dead.

Just thought I'd share an accidental bug/feature of Nova!

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<hmnnn... i could probably use this somewhere... but do missiles still track dead things?>

"So many have gone
through the veil. We can
feel them, just out of


but do missiles still track dead things?>

Theoretically, yes. Try it out and let us know your results!


There is a place, where these creatures of phenominal power exist. I went their once, and walked as they did, and studied them. Only then did I understand why we act as we do. - From the, "Guidebook to Humans", Antigan Military pamphlet


Originally posted by Vell-Os_Jack:
**< hmnnn... i could probably use this somewhere... but do missiles still track dead things?>


Actually, that depends on the missile. Raven Rockets certainly will hit them, but probably not radar missiles.

"If you are legally blind, write 1." - Some tax form
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Originally posted by Mantaray:
**Actually, that depends on the missile. Raven Rockets certainly will hit them, but probably not radar missiles.


Missiles like radar missiles will only be decoyed (and accidentally hit) asteroids. You could make asteroids that have look like shattered pieces of ships.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."