Nova Tools help

Hmm...first time I tried to post this, it said I was chat flooding and wouldn't let me post. How weird.

I'm using Nova Tools in ResEdit.

I need help adding sounds to my weapons. I've added the sound and put its resource # in the sound box and hit the play button and it works fine but when I play Nova, it dosen't give me any sound. And yes, it is at 11.127 kHz just like Nova's sounds.

And how do I add pics like the target, shipyard, comm, and info pic.

Thanks in advance.



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Hmmm, so I'm not the only one with the sound problem. Can't help you there, sorry.

Picts are relatively easy. First, you make your pict (duh), then make a PICT resource in resedit. open that resource, and double click on a new pict square thingy. Past your pict inside that.

For targets, the picts need to be 128 x 64, and they have to be corosponding to the ships you made in the shďp resource. In NovaTools there is a handy menu named, surpisingly, NovaTools. Click on the menu and go to the thing that has 'ResID' in it. it's near the bottom. It'll tell you that "Ship target picts are 3000 + index" or something like that. That means that the number you set the PICT to is 3000 + the shďp INDEX (Index, meaning 0 1 2, not 128 129 130)

This method works for all ships, except the sizes are differant for what you want and the IDs are differant.

To summerize, add your picts into the PICT resource, set the numbers using either the Nova Bible or the NovaTools menu, then open up your ship resource and the two big blank squares will have your pics in 'em.

Info pics? If you are reffering to the pics you see when you read the description for an outfit/ship, then it's the same procedure. Comm pics and shipyard pics use the same pict resource.


Originally posted by Mike:
(B)I'm using Nova Tools in ResEdit.

I need help adding sounds to my weapons. I've added the sound and put its resource # in the sound box and hit the play button and it works fine but when I play Nova, it dosen't give me any sound. And yes, it is at 11.127 kHz just like Nova's sounds.

And how do I add pics like the target, shipyard, comm, and info pics?/B)

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(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 05-22-2002).)