anyone NEED ship Graphics

I don't know if any of you guys have been around long enough to remember jag Werks, but I was the ship builder. Anyways, I'll have some spare time this summer, and with the new release of Nova, which i discovered yesterday... I'd be interested in doing some work. I'm impressed with some of the ships, but some are just kinda, I dunno not very cool? N E wayzzz, If you're interested, drop a reply and i'll try and get you some of my latest stuff emailed to you.

I did a lot of the ships for the Pale plug for the origional EV, if you would like to check it out, or remember wayyyyyyyyyy back when



Originally posted by cOMMANDo:
**< snip>I did a lot of the ships for the Pale plug for the origional EV, if you would like to check it out, or remember wayyyyyyyyyy back when

ouuu...Pale...that rocked iirc

Did that also have a 'Polaris' race in it...also did it have the 15M Credits Kestrel(that looked like a larger version of the Kestrell, with a 2 tone colour scheme)...which ships did you do? *goes and tries to finds the files on old archive cd's


lets see, I made the pirate ships, the bulk freighter, SDB, and a lot of the little cheap ships. Go to this link: (url="http://"")http://www.fortuneci...l/astrology/90/(/url)
and my group of ships is the second group from the top of the page. also on the weapons page, i did the missle bay on the top right of the group. And my stuff has gotten better incase you're wondering



Originally posted by Ciranoush:
*Did that also have a 'Polaris' race in it...also did it have the 15M Credits Kestrel(that looked like a larger version of the Kestrell, with a 2 tone colour scheme)...which ships did you do? goes and tries to finds the files on old archive cd's

No, that was EVGE, one of the other great plug-ins, although I liked Pale better.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
(url="http://"") The Time Has Come For You To Visit.


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**No, that was EVGE, one of the other great plug-ins, although I liked Pale better.

ahh yes...remember now...EVGE had a far larger and generally broad universe to Pale...although Pale had a more thought out missions and weapon balance(in EVGN the Orion Turrets were overly powerfull and had too long a range)

And how back to trying to convert Infini-D models into something that doesn't require Classic 😕


I use Infini-D, good program. I'm trying to remember how i animated my ships, rotation and number of seconds, its been about 4 years since i've done sprites.


I'm making a Nova plug-in. Anyway, I was wondering, do the ship sprites from EV/O work with Nova? There aren't any Nova shipyards. You can e-mail me <email></email> there.

Once upon a time. The End. "I'm a real nowhere man, sitting in my nowhere land..."
-Modification on The Beatles song
The Shadow is coming to Nova...

Well, I've always wanted to make a good plug-in and I do have a lot of experience with EVO, although I stink at graphic design.

I don't need anything at the moment, but if I do, I'll drop you a line, OK?

a.k.a. Cow-man/Akron/LeFouKumquat
• My web site: (url="http://"")The Realm of Moo(/url)
• My e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**No, that was EVGE, one of the other great plug-ins, although I liked Pale better.


Hrm. I think I downloaded that one, but never got around to playing it. I got involved with FH instead. I should go back to that...

"What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion."
(url="http://";=TheChallenge101.sea.bin")The Challenge(/url): A deadly test of skill and power (new version 1.0.2 coming soon)
(url="http://"")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator

i'd like some graphics. send them to please.


Originally posted by cOMMANDo:
**I use Infini-D, good program. I'm trying to remember how i animated my ships, rotation and number of seconds, its been about 4 years since i've done sprites.

** shouldn't let your talent go unused for so long. I remember Pale...

Visit my (url="http://"")Website(/url)
"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -- Ernest Jan Plugge

The plug had very nice graphics.

Lequis Design

(Never mind)

(This message has been edited by Lequis MX (edited 04-20-2002).)

I hope the author checks this... I'd love to get some done. I'm designing a Vell-os plugin, and wanted help making a Vell-os Freighter, and a Vell-os Spear, a ship class bigger than an Arrow, but smaller than a Javelin.

(offtopic) Whoah, that scared me, I had forgotten to turn off cookies again and when this form came up with my login info already there, that was a little freaky... :eek: (/offtopic)

jag Werks...of course I remember you guys! I've even still got your old (now defunct) bookmark in my browser. SOME of us oldbies erases ancient-bies are still around. 😉

You even told me your technique for making rocket exhaust flames with the row of point lights glowing. Yep, I remember...

Ok, so before I go falling over from waving my cane around too much (boy, making fun of yourself as an oldbie can be so much fun! :D) I'm just wondering, do you have a new site up? /~gerstlej/ is still just your "the world as I know it" that has been "still coming" for a few years. 😉

For sprites, at least for EV and EVO (things are a bit different for EV:Nova), it's 36 frames, starting at vertical (or, depending on your school of EV thought, 5 degrees clockwise of vertical) and rotating clockwise 10 degrees each frame. I do seconds 0 through 35, 10 degrees each second. I dunno specifically how you did it, but I hope that helps jog your memory.


How about (url="http://"")this thing(/url)? Give it "banking" frames with the legs in different positions and use running lights for the mono-eye.

NTi Ozymandias of the Red Shadow Organization

If you know how to make Babylon 5 ships, I could use some of them for a plug I'm starting. Mostly Earth Alliance and Minbari ships for now. (Nova style)

Alternatively, if you have some EVO-style ship sprites which are red-orange themed, angular, and aggressive-looking, I may be able to use them as well.


Jag Werks? Now that brings back memories! I was thinking of getting you guys to do graphics for What If (my now-defunct plugin, nobody to do graphics for an advanced TC...) but tried to learn myself... then life crept up. We should start an old-ev'ers club, everyone who regularly visited laer's site =P

Oh well, good to see you back 🙂

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Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I could use some graphics for my upcoming plug. send them to

(your signature here)

wow, I'm surprised some of you guys remember me! and about the old wep-page, that was my old partners web space that we had our stuff on, he's up in washington going to school now, I'm gonna have to email him and get him back into this to. I'm still down here in Texas getting my degree in graphic design. I've already accepted a project working with a guy who plans to do an old EV plug with the Nova engine. I've already begun work on revamping the Old ev ships, have the confed cruiser and frigate finished. I'll have to get some web space and put up some of the shipyards so you guys can see.
Any of you guys remember matt daily? I was wondering if he was still floating around somewhere? He had some nice stuff.
N e wayzz, questions concerning the Nova engine... I opened up every freaken thing in resEdit and can't find the freaken sprites! someone said they were in spin? then some one said i need to get Nova tools, where the h*ll do i get that? sorry, it's been a while, just need some directing...
