Giving mďsns dëscs

Well, I'm using NovaTools, but it doesn't have a mission text assigner, as far as I can tell. (Like Schmelta-V... Boy I miss that program.)

Anyway, I need to re-learn how to assign mďsn dëscs. Like, the Math involved and stuff...


Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

Mission ID# +...

20170 = Refuse
5222 = Briefing
3872 = Offer Text
5413 = Quick Briefing
6413 = Load Cargo Text
8413 = Completion Text
8412 = Fail Text
8166 = Dump (drop off) Cargo Text

Then just enter the values into the mďsn resource.

Sorry to butt in here, but if for example, I had a mission with ID 128 and I wanted to make a BriefText dësc, I would type 5350 for the value in that box, right? (5222+128) So then if that's correct, that's also the RID of the dësc, right?

I seem to be completely lost and none of my math is coming out correctly. The IDs in the preexisting missions don't add up. Also, there's a little label up in the corner of the window which says "dësc=...." with another number there that also doesn't fit with anything....

Do these IDs really matter or can you arbitrarily assign an empty ID if you feel like it?

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."
"No matter how much you polish a piece of crap, the best you can hope for is a shiny piece of crap."- Mac journalist discussing the delayed release of Win XP

(This message has been edited by kbmeister (edited 05-06-2002).)


Originally posted by kbmeister:
Sorry to butt in here, but if for example, I had a mission with ID 128 and I wanted to make a BriefText dësc, I would type 5350 for the value in that box, right? (5222+128) So then if that's correct, that's also the RID of the dësc, right?



Originally posted by kbmeister:

I seem to be completely lost and none of my math is coming out correctly. The IDs in the preexisting missions don't add up. Also, there's a little label up in the corner of the window which says "dësc=...." with another number there that also doesn't fit with anything.... **

Hrm, not sure about that.


Originally posted by kbmeister:
Do these IDs really matter or can you arbitrarily assign an empty ID if you feel like it?

They don't really matter, but if you arbitrarily assign values, you'll probably run into conflicts.

I still don't get the math involved with making these assignments "correctly", but I've realized that since my plugin only works once the player has completed a major storyline, many of my resources can have the same IDs as existing ones, because the ones that are there already won't be accessed again by that pilot. I guess I can just figure things out later if it comes down to it. Thanks though.

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."
"No matter how much you polish a piece of crap, the best you can hope for is a shiny piece of crap."- Mac journalist discussing the delayed release of Win XP


Originally posted by Blackdog:
**Mission ID# +...

20170 = Refuse
5222 = Briefing
3872 = Offer Text
5413 = Quick Briefing
6413 = Load Cargo Text
8413 = Completion Text
8412 = Fail Text
8166 = Dump (drop off) Cargo Text

Then just enter the values into the mďsn resource.**

Well, what? I don't get it. How'd you get those numbers?

Oh, so I add the Mďsn ID # (in this case, 860) to the above numbers?
So, for the briefing text, I would do: 860+5222=6082. Then, I would make dësc resource 6082 the briefing text resource by adding the text I want, right?

Sounds simple enough...

Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

I was looking over the EVN Mission files and yes, you add the mission to the description beginning. So, if the mission ID is 144 and you want the offering, you do 3872 plus 144.

I have already won when I
haven't even begun

The trick is to remember to count zero as a number. so you have to count 0 1 2 3...

Intelligent doesn't meant smart. It means genius.
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to getcha...


Originally posted by The Space Between:
Oh, so I add the Mďsn ID # (in this case, 860) to the above numbers?
So, for the briefing text, I would do: 860+5222=6082. Then, I would make dësc resource 6082 the briefing text resource by adding the text I want, right?

Sounds simple enough...


Yep. It is.

Cool, thanks everyone.

Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

I was remebering back to the times where it was just EV and EVO and I remembered andeditor that caculated stuff for you. But since there were so many editors for EV/EVO, this program wasn't needed but now it is.

Check it out!

I have already won when I
haven't even begun


Originally posted by Dark Angel:
**I was remebering back to the times where it was just EV and EVO and I remembered andeditor that caculated stuff for you. But since there were so many editors for EV/EVO, this program wasn't needed but now it is.

Check it out!


Oh! Pontus! I love his programs! I don't really use them much, but I guess I will now. Yeah, his programs were pretty popular. At least, more stable than EV-Crappit.

Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

I just uploaded a Nova translation of Pontus' old 'EV objects formulas'. It's on the addons page now, if you want to check it out.


Originally posted by Blackdog:
**Mission ID# +...

20170 = Refuse
5222 = Briefing
3872 = Offer Text
5413 = Quick Briefing
6413 = Load Cargo Text
8413 = Completion Text
8412 = Fail Text
8166 = Dump (drop off) Cargo Text

Then just enter the values into the mďsn resource.**

So, this doesn't seem right. I've tried to make it the numbers add up, but for example:
If you look at mission ID 132 in Nova Tools, "Escort Merchant". The "offer text" fits, but none of the others do. The QuickBrief is listed as 6600 and the CompText as 9600. These don't match what you're saying above.
Perplexed in NY--Den


Only the OfferText is fixed at mission id + 3872. The others are arbitrary (you enter the id numbers in the fields of the mission).

"Insert witty quote here." - Thomas Castiglione

Gul is correct. The offer text must be mission ID + 3872 or it won't show up. The others aren't fixed but conflicts will likely occur if you assign them arbitrary values.


Originally posted by Blackdog:
Gul is correct. The offer text must be mission ID + 3872 or it won't show up. The others aren't fixed but conflicts will likely occur if you assign them arbitrary values.

So it's more like the others are suggestions.

